วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Prevent Acne

Acne is a condition where everyone may experience at any point in time. Acne may be caused by exposure to acne causing bacteria. As simple as dust mixing with sweat may lead to acne in your face. How to prevent acne if it is that simple to develop it?

Of course, there are simple ways to prevent acne as well. Science of course did not stop from knowing the cause; it also developed ways to cure and prevent it.

Let us learn how to prevent acne by simple things you could do at home.

Have your heard that prevention is better than cure? This is true with acne. Prevent acne by keeping your skin clean.

• Wash your face with mild soap or facial wash.

• Avoid harsh chemicals on your face

• Avoid dirt build up, because dirt combined with your sweat or sebum may lead to the development of acne.

• Drink 8 glasses of water a day. It helps hydrate your skin and keeps it young looking.

• Exercise regularly. It will keep your skin healthy.

• Eat a well-balanced diet. It will keep your body healthy and excess sebum production may not be a problem. In return, you prevent acne.

• Do not use dirty towels in your face.

• Avoid rubbing your hair in your face.

There are other ways to prevent acne; most of it does not need you to spend a single cent. All you need it diligently take care of your skin and acne will never come your way.

Prevent acne and you surely will avoid the ill effects of acne on your self confidence.

50% of adult acne sufferers fear facing people. They feel unattractive and they loose opportunities because of their fear. If you start seeing those ugly bumps and you are fearful it may get worse, immediately visit your doctor.

He will analyze your condition and recommend easy treatments.

Treatments available for acne sufferers

If you cannot prevent acne, prevent acne from getting worse.

• Use topical benzoyl peroxide in cream or lotion form. It will dry the acne and help clear the pores. It also kills acne causing bacteria.

• Wash your face with mild facial wash. Do this twice a day and never use facial scrub more than once a week.

• Avoid squeezing, touching or rubbing your acne. Bacteria may spread in your face which may worsen the acne.

• Use antibiotics to clear your acne

If you are not able to prevent acne from getting worse and you experience scarring, prevent lost of self-confidence by undergoing laser acne treatments or laser resurfacing.

Prevent acne by taking care of your skin. If you happen to have genetic characteristic of being prone to acne, prevent acne from getting worse by ensuring that you seek professional help. This will keep you in your toes in combating acne.

Acne Treatment
Acne Products
Teenage Acne

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