วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Information

Acne is a disorder that causes outbreaks of skin lesions usually called spots or pimples. It is a rather common disease, actually the most common skin disease that doctors come across. It usually affects young adults and teenagers more than any other age group. In fact it is so common in teens that it's thought to be a normal part of adolescence. This is not a really serious health threat but, it can lead to scarring. Of course it can affect you at any age. The most often found type is Acne Vulgaris which means ˜common acne". The worst type is made up of cysts (sacs) and nodules (swelling). Perioral dermatitis is the strain of which the younger woman can suffer from. Another sort of acne " acne mechanica " is the result of physical irritation to certain areas of the body, either resulting in or aggravating a previous instance. Your dermatologist will decide upon the best type of treatment for your particular case.

The type of treatment that you undergo should depend upon the type of acne with which you are afflicted. Having a severe strain when you are a youngster can do some damage to your psyche and self- confidence. The worst type of acne may even result in scarring that if not dealt with properly, could be visible for the rest of your life. Why do we have spots? The main cause is the production of sex hormones, called androgen, that start at puberty. Changes of hormonal levels in the various stages of pregnancy can also cause skin problems. Bacterial infection of clogged hair follicles is one of the main triggers of a bout of acne. New research states that milk can also be a cause. We all know that vitamins are good for you, but too much of the three B vitamins can result in flare-ups. There is no one simple cause of outbreaks, the condition is caused by many different factors, several of which you can do very little about. Most medical experts still say that the exact cause of acne is not known.

Acnezine is a scientifically prepared treatment made to get rid of it through a revolutionary antioxidant method. Of late, the FDA has put their seal of approval on several different lasers for the treatment of this skin codition. Light Therapy, although relatively new, has been demonstrated to be a useful treatment against the pain in the butt which is acne. You may be lucky and come across a new treatment that works great with your skin type and condition. At the end of the day a licensed medical person should always be seen for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition.

James Hunaban is the owner of http://health-matters.jims-info.com a site dedicated to health. Go there now and read some interesting views on all health issues.

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