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Acne Scar Treatments - Get Rid of Acne Scars Easily

The Perils of Acne

Acne is a skin condition faced by teens and adults. It is predominantly caused by the clogging of oil glands and the resulting inflammation. For some, it is not just a matter of having pimples on the face but a potentially disfiguring condition. Acne often leaves scars on the face. Remember, your mom telling not to squeeze that annoyingly ripe-looking pimple sitting on your nose? She was right.

Then, what should we do? What are we going to make the scars go away? And how do we stop acne from making our lives so difficult? How do we start acne scar treatment?

Getting In Touch With Mother Earth

It is not a hippy or flower-power thing. Getting in touch with Mother Earth is a healthy and wholesome way. And Mother Earth has some helpful tips and suggestions for all types of problems, including acne scar treatment.

One good way to start working hand-in-hand with Mother Earth is going the natural or herbal way. This method is gentle and non-invasive. Furthermore, you will get to know the benefits of herbs and plants.

So, what does Mother Earth has to say about acne scar treatment? Listen to her wisdom


Water makes up seventy per cent of Mother Earth. And water is essential to the physical well being of every living being. The skin of your body is also made up of water and it is important to drink a lot of water to keep your skin (including the skin of your face) well hydrated.

Remember to wash your face regularly with clean water. Clean water also cools the inflammation and keeps scarring at bay.


Look around you. You are surrounded with lush plants and greenery. They are soothing to your senses... and they might also play an important role in acne scar treatment.

There are some herbs and plants that might be suitable for treating unsightly acne scars as well as keep them from forming.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a good plant to use, especially to cool or reduce the inflammation caused by acne. It is also known for its gentle healing properties when it comes to scars, caused by either acne or other skin irritations. The liquid mucous substance that oozes out when you cut the tip of an aloe vera stalk is thought to reduce swelling and fights bacteria. Apply it to the scars regularly. It also reduces the oily secretions on the skin and acts as a good prevention against acne.


Lavender smells heavenly. It is known to be good to stop scarring as well. Just use two drops of lavender essential oil and mix it with almond oil. Use medical gauze with this mixture and apply on the scars nightly.

Dandelion Root

For many people, the dandelion is a garden and yard pest. Yet, dandelion is known to be an edible herb, rich with nutrients. Dandelion root is great for acne scar treatment as it reduces toxicity and improves skin condition. It is a great purifier of the bloodstream. You can find dandelion root extracts in tablet or pill form.


Known as a revered Ayurvedic herb, neem is a tree found in India. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Neem can be used either in oil or powder form and is known to improve skin elasticity. You can also use neem powder to wash your face.

Tea Tree

The Tea Tree is found in Australia. It is anti-septic and anti-fungal. Mix two drops of tea tree oil with almond oil. Apply on affected skin/scars with medical gauze. Tea tree is also an effective acne scar treatment.

Onwards To Healing

Going herbal is a good way to start working closely with Mother Earth and her wisdom. For people with acne (and scarring) problems, the herbal route might be a suitable alternate as it is gentle and non-medical in nature. Some herbs are known to reduce the swelling and the scarring caused by acne. They are beneficial to the body's physical well-being.

If you want to know more, just type in 'herbal acne scar treatment' into your search engine of choice. Always carry out some research before you embark on any healing process. It pays to know more information.

Always remember: Wash your face and do not pick your acne, even if it is ripe and tempting you to squeeze it.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Remove Acne Scar at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/acne/acne-herbal-treatment.html AyurvedicCure.com is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. Also visit Remove Blackheads to get rid of Blackheads Permanently

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