วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Best Drug Store Acne Medication

Buying acne medication at your local drug store is one of the first steps to treating your acne yourself, at home. But with such a wide variety of products available, and add to the fact that more and more celebrities endorsed products are coming into the market everyday that try to catch your attention, it can be a little bit difficult for you to make the wiser purchase. I was in your shoes, buying the latest and most expensive acne treatment products that promised me a miracle, and in the end, getting no improvement over my acne condition.

In this short article, I would like to show you some of the best acne treatment products that you can use and how you should choose your cleanser, medication, lotion and so on.

1. Buying a cleanser

A cleanser that suits your skin type is very important. You need to wash your face properly before applying any products so that the active ingredients can be absorbed by your skin more effectively. Clogged and dirty pores just won't make it easy for those medication to reach the core of your skin.

When choosing your cleanser, you do not need to look for signs that says "Clear blemishes!" or "Acne No More!" because cleanser is always not effective in treating acne. The main purpose to have a cleanser is to cleanse your face and maybe replenish it with vitamins and minerals. Cleansers that claim to have the ability to treat your acne is not effective. Instead, you should use cleansers that contain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and Zinc. These nutrients are able to strengthen your skin structure to prevent future acne breakout. It is effective under this term.

2. Acne Cream / Lotion / Gel

The best would be benzoyl peroxide, better if combined with a little bit of salicylic acid. This medication kill acne causing bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide is a strong medication. Expect dryness and rashes to occur after you use them. Use as instructed on the labels. Products that contain only sulfur, salicylic acid or triclosan is not as effective as benzoyl peroxide-based products. Take note.

Chances are, you do not want your skin to be treated with benzoyl peroxide if you have sensitive skin. Get yourself tea tree oil instead, as it causes less sensitivity to your skin. Its strength is comparable to that of benzoyl peroxide. The choice is yours to take, natural or chemical.

3. Moisturizer

More expensive products do not mean they have more quality. You only need some decent moisturizer to calm your skin. Choose those moisturizers with lots of vitamins and minerals. They are good for your skin. If your skin is healthy, you would not have acne.

4. Mask

Again choose masks with vitamins and minerals instead of the masks that claim to cure acne. They do not work that well.

Basically, you just want to have a cleanser that has deep penetrating ability to clean your skin effectively, a bacteria killer - benzoyl peroxide, a toner and/or moisturizer to replenish your skin with bursts of minerals and vitamins and pamper your skin gently. Masks are not necessary to have.

If you are interested in learning how to cure your acne quickly and effectively without scarring and spending the big bucks, you can visit my acne site at http://acne-miracle.blogspot.com It will show you every thing you need to cure your acne spots.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Food - Eat This Color For Clear Skin

There are many acne treatments on the market, but none are as effective, simple and inexpensive as making some easy changes to your diet...

I used to suffer from acne for many years and tried many ways to clear my skin such as antibiotics, accutane and many cleansers and pills. None of these made much difference to my skin, and I spent years frustrated by my condition...

...It wasn't until I found out about how food caused my acne that I managed to clear my skin permanently. This is how it works:

Some food causes hormonal imbalance. This imbalance leads to acne. Some foods helps to balance hormones. This helps prevent acne. So it becomes a simple matter of making easy diet changes to clear your skin in a short amount of time...

So which food is the best for balancing hormones and preventing breakouts? Green vegetables is the answer. These have large quantities of nutrients like vitamins, minerals and enzymes, that keep hormones very well balanced and give all the nutrients and energy the body needs to stay in great condition.

When I started to eat more green vegetables I noticed instantly a vast improvement in my acne. I started to eat green veg like broccoli, leafy greens (salads), peppers, peas and lots of others. Once you start to see how much of a difference it makes to your acne you will soon grow an instant liking for green vegetables. For more information on how to clear your acne visit my website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne and Makeup: A How-To Guide

Righty...so your new acne medication promises fast results in 10 days, but you've got to face the world today. What can we do to tie over the proceeding period before the acne goes down?

Well all you need is to learn a few creative acne makeup concealing tips to help you look your very best at school, work or play.

But remember -- Makeup conceals acne, it doesn't cure it!

But you already knew that, right? Using makeup to conceal acne isn't difficult, but there are some basic rules that you should always follow.

Your basic acne makeup toolkit

Your three acne hiding weapons will be a concealer, a foundation and a finishing powder. Stay away from the dollar store and use only brand names that you can trust.

Choose only oil-free makeup products that match your skin tone. Oil-free is the key to success here so read the labels carefully. You don't want to aggravate your existing acne problem by layering a fresh coat of oil on skin that already has too much to begin with. Choose a hypoallergenic brand while you're at it.

If this is the first time that you are using a new brand, test the makeup applying small dabs to a spot under your jaw to see how your skin reacts. If you are going to have a problem you'll know within an hour or so after applying it. Nothing's worse than adding more blotches to an already colorful face.

Before you begin

Wash your face with your normal face cleansing product and pat dry. Apply your acne medication per the instructions and let it dry throughly.

Start with the concealer

Apply the concealer in a light dabbing motion directly to any dark blotches or red areas that the acne has produced on your skin. Blend the concealer in using a disposable facial sponge. Use the concealer sparingly. You can always apply more if you need it but you don't want to layer it on too thickly. It will look terrible when it dries.

Next, apply the foundation

Apply the foundation sparingly as well and use a light dabbing motion here too. Blend the foundation with your sponge and reapply to any areas that need it.

And now for the final touch

Apply a light layer of the oil-free powder using a large makeup brush. This will take care of any shine that the acne concealer and foundation left behind and it will give you an even and finished look.

Throw away the disposable sponges when you are through so you don't transfer yesterday's skin oil to tomorrow's clean face!

Before you go to bed

Wash your face throughly to remove all makeup before you go to bed, but preferably as soon as you can after you return home. You want your skin to breath and your acne to get as much fresh air as possible.

John Wellington is from AcneHelpZone.com providing people suffering from acne with quick, relevant and free acne resources that they can download and take away with them for easy reference.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Homemade Acne Remedies - 3 Effective Home Cures for Acne

A hope has always existed in the hearts of acne sufferers with a belief that there really are home cures for acne. Well, worry not my fellow victims of acne, for I have with me 3 effective homemade acne remedies that will help you become more radiant and confident once again and live in the open atmosphere of this beautiful planet.

So without wasting any more time, let’s get down with my 3 favorite home cures for acne.

- Honey

Follow the simple rule of drinking honey and wearing honey daily. By making this a daily routine, the speeding process of acne termination will become a daily routine as well until you achieve the radiant skin with an attractive complexion.

PS: Wearing Honey does not mean you literally wear it instead of your garments! You need to apply honey on infected areas on your skin.

Do not skip honey as a cure because it may not be homemade but it sure is a very effective home cure for acne.

- Grated Cucumber Juice

This may sound like something that works only for females, but it is NOT! It works on both genders. Applying grated cucumber juice on the infected areas is a highly recommended acne treatment and it is more effective in getting rid of blackheads.

- Sandalwood and Basil Paste.

Sandalwood and Basil paste is a very effective home cure for acne and it also helps improve your complexion and reduce the visibility of acne scars. Apply this paste on your skin for 10-15 minutes till it dries up and then you can wash it off.

In conclusion to this short article, I have made available to you three effective home cures for acne; Honey, Grated Cucumber Juice and Sandalwood + Basil Paste. It is up to you to start taking action or wait for that miraculous cure.

By following these three home cures for acne you are no doubt very close to an acne free skin and a better and a confident life.

Abi Shaan has suffered from severe acne for 8 years but he finally won the battle. For those serious about getting rid of acne permanently, do visit the site below:

==> http://www.natural-remedy-for-acne.blogspot.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Home Remedies - How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally

A growing number of people are choosing to not only fight acne breakouts, but also to get rid of acne naturally. While there are certainly products on the market that may help you to remove acne or prevent future breakouts, these products can be very expensive and even harmful to your skin. These are just a couple of the good reasons that many people are trying to find how to get rid of acne naturally.

What are the benefits to natural acne solutions? First of all, as we touched upon earlier, natural solutions are organic in nature and are not as harmful to your skin as many laboratory-made products can be. Many acidic products dry out your skin and leave it susceptible to future problems, even as they zap the troublesome zits that you are trying to get rid of.

Also, you can find very inexpensive ways to get rid of acne naturally with just a little imagination or knowledge. For instance, you can buy a tomato for next to nothing, then crush it up and apply the pulp to your skin (especially the problem areas). A half an hour later, you rinse it off with warm water and you're already on your way to acne removal at a budget cost! Other acne treatments can be just as inexpensive, such as making an orange peel paste with a bit of water, for instance.

Mint is a relatively inexpensive herb with helpful qualities for acne reduction and removal. By crushing the leaves and using the resulting juice on your face for a few minutes, you can see great results. You can even dab some of your toothpaste (as long as it's not gel toothpaste) on your pimples for some quick treatment!

To get rid of acne naturally, you don't have to be some sort of herbal guru or organic food specialist. Most of the best solutions are very simple and can be learned rather quickly. There is bound to be a solution along these lines that will work for your skin!

Everyone wants beautiful skin-- However, not everyone is naturally blessed with a clear complexion. If you don't want to use harsh chemicals to clear your complexion, consider trying a natural acne treatment. These at home treatments will quickly get rid of those zits and increase your confidence! Learn about the best acne treatments at: http://AcneRemovalReviews.com/

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วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Heal Your Acne the Proven and Natural Way

If you’re currently suffering from acne, you are not alone. Over 90% of people will have acne sometime in their lives. A high percentage of those will carry their acne condition into their adult lives.

Acne is mostly classified as a “personal problem”, meaning that it can have effects in your personal life. It can have a major affect on dating, relationships, self esteem, and many other nuances that make you who you are. While I agree that it does have a huge affect in these areas, for adults it can also be what I call a “professional problem”.

Since many people think that the only people who are constantly plagued by acne are teenagers, the thought of acne has been closely coupled with adolescence. When a professional business man or woman enters a room and is suffering from acne, he or she is looked upon as unprofessional, and all those traits that are normally associated with adolescence.

This is common human nature, and it is not your fault. While knowing it is not your fault provides very little comfort, you will be glad to know that there are things you can do to help your acne…right now!

Below is a small list of things that you can do to help rid yourself of acne. It is my philosophy that acne should be cured naturally, and believe me, there are definitely natural acne cures out there that work!

1. You should be using a chemical free skin cleanser every day. By cleaning your skin, you can help eliminate new blemishes from forming. Cleaning your skin every day is the best thing you can do to achieve healthy, acne free skin.

2. Try to keep your hair and hands off of your face. Both your hair and hands contain dirt and oils that can clog your pores and let bacteria grow. While this is not a cure for acne, keeping your pores clear will be instrumental in clearing your acne.

3. Drink lots of water, and eat a healthy diet. While there are no clear connections with acne to a person’s diet, your skin is the largest organ on your body and keeping your body healthy will naturally keep your skin healthy. Drinking lots of water will keep your skin hydrated while also flushing away toxins.

4. Don’t pick at your acne! Picking at your acne causes an unnecessary transfer of oils that may cause deeper acne lesions that may lead to scarring. The best way is to get your acne under control using a natural acne treatment every morning and every night.

There is a short list of things you can do to treat your acne. While these things may even clear your acne completely, you will find a bounty of free information on natural acne cures that will aid you in conquering your problem. You can find these solutions at [http://natural-acne-cures.blogspot.com]

Jonathan W. was a long time sufferer of bodily acne until he finally cured it using natural treatments. He reveals all about it on his blog: Natural Acne Cures [http://natural-acne-cures.blogspot.com]. He also suffered from stretch marks created during growth spurts and from obesity. He has taken care of this issue and reveals how he resolved it at: Rid of Stretch Marks.

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วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Cream - Does Benzoyl Peroxide Work?

If you visit a dermatologist to discuss treatments for your acne, he or she will often prescribe an oral antibiotic or an acne treatment cream. It will all depend on the severity of your acne and the type of acne you have. Topical acne creams such a Differin are used to treat comedone acne or blackheads. Oral antibiotics are pills such as Tetracycline and Erythromycin that lower bacteria levels, reduce irritants in your blood, and act as an anti-inflammatory. Benzoyl Peroxide is medicated cream that is commonly prescribed for propioni bacteria acne, which is cyst or pustule type acne caused by clogged pores.

Benzoyl peroxide

Prescribed for minor to moderate cases of acne, benzoyl peroxide acne treatment is available is a wide range of strengths and in many forms such as cleansers, gels, lotions, and creams. To use the cream, you simply need to clean and dry your face before massaging the medication into your skin. It is usually recommended that you use the treatment once or twice every day.

Benzoyl peroxide not only helps to eliminate the acne that you already have, but it also helps to prevent new breakouts. The medicated cream forces oxygen into your pores where the acne bacteria live. This kills the bacteria and clears up your skin. To prevent future acne, benzoyl peroxide acts similar to an exfoliant to clean your pores by peeling away the outer most layers of your skin and promoting cell regeneration.

Besides being a successful cure for acne, benzoyl peroxide cream has many other additional benefits. Many users of the treatment like it for its convenience and find it easy to use. You will find that your skin should begin clearing up in about a week or two. Benzoyl peroxide is also used in hair dyes, teeth whiteners, making flour, and, interestingly enough, the production of some plastic materials.

There are some side effects of benzoyl peroxide that you should be familiar with before using this product. Minor side effects such as a tingling, warm or stinging feeling are often associated with the peeling and drying of your skin. If these symptoms get worse or do not go away, you will need to talk with your physician. It may be possible to use the cream every other day until your skin has had time to adapt.

Serious side effects such as swelling, rash, irritation, or itching can indicate an allergic reaction. Symptoms such as severe burning or blistering can be a sign of a chemical burn. In either case, you should stop using the cream and get in touch with your dermatologist immediately.

So there you have it.

Although the acne treatment cream benzoyl peroxide has a high rate of success, it is not a guaranteed cure for everyone. For acne sufferers that do find relief with this product, they will have to continue using it even after their acne is completely gone. Otherwise, the bacteria will build up and the acne will return. If you find that benzoyl peroxide does not help, other products such as oral antibiotics, Differin, and other acne treatments may be able to help.

Want the best acne treatment products available on the market? See Matt Anderson's site for reviews of the top acne treatment creams that gets rid of acne, the latest on acne scar creams and the top tips on acne skin care.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Cure with Neem and Turmeric

Acne cure and skin care the natural Ayurvedic way with neem and turmeric

Neem and turmeric have antibacterial properties and are effective in acne cure. Neem (Azadirachta indica) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) can suppress and kill bacterial activity is effective in treating acne rashes and acne bacterial infection. Neem oil applied over the infected area is beneficial in curing acne. Turmeric powder mixed with either water or aloe vera gel can be applied over acne rashes.

Turmeric can also be used internally. It is a regular condiment/spice in Indian traditional cooking. It not only adds taste to the food, but also helps liver with removal of toxins. It also helps in killing bacteria and infection. It is therefore considered a blood purifier and detoxification agent. This also gives considerable advantage in treating acne inflammation.

Turmeric powder and neem oil together is also good combination for acne treatment. You can also crush a few neem leaves to make a paste to which you add a tsp of turmeric powder. Apply it over acne inflammation spots. Both have antiseptic properties and helps in controlling inflammation.

It takes only a few days for turmeric to show results in acne treatment. You can mix turmeric powder with coconut oil and apply the paste directly over acne inflammations. Allow it to dry and leave the dried paste on your acne inflammation overnight. Do this for two or three days and find considerable improvement in the condition of your skin.

Acne caused due to hormonal imbalances too is cured this way.

Dev Sri provides insider information about Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala. Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at http://www.KeralaAyurvedics.com.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cure Acne, Quick and Easy

If you are looking for quick, easy ways to cure acne, look no further! These simple solutions will clear your skin and keep it looking beautiful.

First of all, the most irritating and unsightly thing about acne is the pus and impurities that are trapped in the pore. The juice from a raw (green) papaya will help reduce swelling immediately, and prevent the formation of pus. Using the juice, seed, and skin on your face will remove whiteheads and leave your skin clear and beautiful.

Persistent pimples and acne can be cleared with garlic juice and water. Take about 3 or 4 pods of raw garlic, skinned and finely chopped, and soak it in milk for half an hour to remove the unpleasant smell. Then rub the mixture on your acne, and it will disappear.

The potassium, sulphur, phosphorus, and protein found in raw potatoes are extremely beneficial for the skin. Raw potatoes have enzymes in the pulp, and also Vitamin C and starch. Grate or shred the pulp of a raw potato and rub it on the skin to cure acne fast – including pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Ripe tomato pulp has vitamin C as well, and can be applied to the face for up to one hour. Doing this regularly will help keep skin clear and bright.

Lemon juice dabbed directly on a pimple just before bedtime will dry it up before morning, and also helps to prevent any unsightly scarring.

Experimenting with combinations of these tips will help you determine which methods are best for your own skin. Don’t let acne ruin your appearance! Try these tips to clear it up today.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com. He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Fighting Acne with Home Remedies

Acne is a very common skin condition, affecting women and men of all ages. Also known as pimples, acne can appear on the face and neck, back and shoulders. Although a serious problem, few people suffering from Acne Vulgaris seek medical advice. Usually they either try to fight acne with traditional means, such as well-known cosmetic creams (Pro Active, PhytoMe Acne Gel,DDF BP Gel 5% with Tea Tree Oil) and home remedies, or don't do anything, waiting for the pimples to disappear in time. Unfortunately severe acne leaves scars and it is very unpleasant especially for older people, because in old ages the skin cures slower after acne outbreaks.

The best therapy is to take care of the skin before the acne outbreaks even occur. Don't skip breakfast and don't waste too many nights partying. Yes, it's always fun to party, but when you have severe acne, the next morning's spectacle offered by the appearance of some new pimples is often too high a price to pay. Still, if you have no other choice and have to waste nights (let's say you are a DJ or simply employed in a club) consider cleaning your face daily with chamomile tea instead of soap and water. It will relax and deeply clean your skin. And always have some Tea Tree Oil close at hand - Tea Tree Oil is in many countries a popular pimple remedy.

If you are a smoker, it's time to quit. It's bad for your skin, bad for your lungs and quite an expensive habit. Reduce the quantity of chocolates (or any other chocolate-based products) you eat. Try to drink less coffee as well. Both chocolate and coffee are natural excitants. It is important to have a proper diet when you fight severe acne.

Some home remedies work pretty well. For example a mask made of oatmeal mixed with water works wonders on problem skin. Try this home remedy twice a week. Keep the mask over the affected portion of your skin for 20 minutes and you'll soon notice your skin becomes cleaner and less oily.

If you enjoy eating oranges, don't waste the peel. There's nothing better against swelling than a paste of freshly ground orange peel and water. Let it work for at least half an hour and then gently wash it off with lukewarm water. Whatever you do, don't stress your skin more. Peel, don't rub. After you wash, use a soft towel to dry, or better still, let your skin dry naturally. Next, put on a tonic. A concentrated basil tea is an excellent tonic for problem skin. Apply it gently with a cotton ball, twice a day if possible.

Whether you opt for home remedies or cosmetic products, remember that being consistent in your efforts is what will really hasten the cure.

And one last special tip for women: you can use contraceptive pills to treat acne. You can try this when nothing else works. However, be aware of the fact that contraceptives are not for every woman and seek medical advice before proceeding into this venture on your own. Ask both your dermatologist and your gynecologist whether the pills are a good choice for you or not.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Causes and Treatment

Nearly everyone the world over has experienced acne at some time in their life. Acne is a skin disorder that erupts in inflamed lesions on the face, neck, back and shoulders. It affects the physical appearance of a person, causing them to suffer embarrassment and drives down their self-esteem. It is a frustrating experience in knowing just how to deal with the problem; plus knowing how to treat the disorder.

An enlarged hair follicle becomes clogged with oil and bacteria, causing an inflamed lesion. The skin produces more oil which causes bacteria to grow in the lesion and now you have a case of acne.

There are five basic forms of acne: blackheads, whiteheads, papules (red pimples), pustules and cysts or nodules.

Whiteheads and blackheads are distinguishable by color. The whitehead on the skin has small white bumps; whereas the blackhead is dark colored. This dark color does not mean the skin is dirty; rather, it is due to a buildup of melanin, the skin's dark pigment.

Papules are red pimples that have become inflamed by a blockage of oil glands, while pustules are similar pimples except with white pus at the top.

Cysts or nodules are the most serious acne. They are blocked oil glands that burst and spread inflammation and pus into the skin tissue. This type of lesion can cause scarring and should receive immediate treatment.

Down through the years there have been many myths passed down from generation to generation about the causes of acne. It was generally thought for years that acne was caused by dirt. Improper hygiene causes dirt to form in the pores of the skin; thus causing acne. This is not true as dirt has nothing to do with acne.

Eating greasy foods such as French fries cause acne. There is no scientific basis for this idea, as no connection has been found between acne and food.

The idea that it is teenagers who have acne is not completely true, as some women in their twenties or thirties will have a breakout case. This is thought to be caused by hormones fluctuating.

'This is something you will grow out of', is not good advice for a young sufferer of acne, as leaving it untreated can cause scarring. So it is important to treat the breakouts and not expect it to go away as they age.

These misconceptions need to be put to rest, so no one is given the wrong advice.

There is no cure for acne, only control. Acne can be controlled and prevented by using certain products on the skin that have acne-fighting ingredients. These products should include benzoyl peroxide, an ingredient found to be effective in the control and prevention of acne. Benzoyl peroxide destroys the bacteria that causes acne and works to minimize the number of blocked pores. Benzoyl peroxide is found in cleansers, toners and lotions and may be purchased over-the-counter or by prescription.

Simple tips to help prevent acne are: clean makeup off the face before going to bed, use clean towels and clean pillow cases, keep cosmetic brushes clean and above all, do not pick or squeeze on the lesions, as this can cause infection and can lead to scarring.

Acne sufferers of today are lucky in that there are more treatments for this disorder than in years past and the future looks promising for maybe a cure, as more and more research will be done in this regard.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Easy Ways To Stop Getting Infected Acne

Acne begins as a whitehead or a blackhead. These are uninfected comedones. The gland is full of sebum and the gland is clogged. If treated at this stage, the acne will resolve easily without any scar. But many times it gets infected and becomes a big pimple full of pus. Stop that happening with these easy steps.

Acne- how it gets infected?

A bacterium called P.acnes lives on our skin. Normally this bacterium makes no harm to us. If this bacterium is given a warm close place full of sebum, it loves that and multiplies there. This happens in acne. The sebaceous gland is the ideal place for the bacteria in acne and the bacteria multiplies inside that. When white cells kill the bacteria, you see the pus filled acne. We should stop giving the bacteria a place to thrive. Let us see how.

1. Treat the blackheads and whiteheads immediately with either Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid. They will both unclog the gland. Consult your doctor about using tretinoin at this stage itself. Use AHAs around the affected area to remove dead cells faster and remove the top affected layer of the skin. Your doctor will draw a treatment program for you.

2. Ask your doctor if you can use a mild antibiotic along with other topical treatments to kill the bacteria before it grows. Kill all the bacteria before it multiplies. Generally we use antibiotic after getting infected. In this case, ask your doctor if you should use one as preventive.

3. Keep your hands clean and wash your face with a good acid balanced cleanser or an AHA based cleanser. Don't over clean the skin. Clean it two to three times a day. Don't touch the spots. That may infect them. Trying to remove the comedones may also infect them. Consult your doctor and if needed he/she will pull it out.

Stopping acne before it gets infected is the best way to avoid large-scale pimples and scars. To learn more about acne treatment at mild stage, click here- http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ds/acne/treatments-mildacne.php

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

DoctorGoodSkin.com is a big skin care guide where you can find a lot of information, articles and tips about skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to test your knowledge about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc.

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Prevent Acne

Acne is a condition where everyone may experience at any point in time. Acne may be caused by exposure to acne causing bacteria. As simple as dust mixing with sweat may lead to acne in your face. How to prevent acne if it is that simple to develop it?

Of course, there are simple ways to prevent acne as well. Science of course did not stop from knowing the cause; it also developed ways to cure and prevent it.

Let us learn how to prevent acne by simple things you could do at home.

Have your heard that prevention is better than cure? This is true with acne. Prevent acne by keeping your skin clean.

• Wash your face with mild soap or facial wash.

• Avoid harsh chemicals on your face

• Avoid dirt build up, because dirt combined with your sweat or sebum may lead to the development of acne.

• Drink 8 glasses of water a day. It helps hydrate your skin and keeps it young looking.

• Exercise regularly. It will keep your skin healthy.

• Eat a well-balanced diet. It will keep your body healthy and excess sebum production may not be a problem. In return, you prevent acne.

• Do not use dirty towels in your face.

• Avoid rubbing your hair in your face.

There are other ways to prevent acne; most of it does not need you to spend a single cent. All you need it diligently take care of your skin and acne will never come your way.

Prevent acne and you surely will avoid the ill effects of acne on your self confidence.

50% of adult acne sufferers fear facing people. They feel unattractive and they loose opportunities because of their fear. If you start seeing those ugly bumps and you are fearful it may get worse, immediately visit your doctor.

He will analyze your condition and recommend easy treatments.

Treatments available for acne sufferers

If you cannot prevent acne, prevent acne from getting worse.

• Use topical benzoyl peroxide in cream or lotion form. It will dry the acne and help clear the pores. It also kills acne causing bacteria.

• Wash your face with mild facial wash. Do this twice a day and never use facial scrub more than once a week.

• Avoid squeezing, touching or rubbing your acne. Bacteria may spread in your face which may worsen the acne.

• Use antibiotics to clear your acne

If you are not able to prevent acne from getting worse and you experience scarring, prevent lost of self-confidence by undergoing laser acne treatments or laser resurfacing.

Prevent acne by taking care of your skin. If you happen to have genetic characteristic of being prone to acne, prevent acne from getting worse by ensuring that you seek professional help. This will keep you in your toes in combating acne.

Acne Treatment
Acne Products
Teenage Acne

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วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Skin Care Before, During and After Acne Strikes

f you've never had acne before, you're luckier than I've been. My first bout erupted when I was a teenager. Thankfully, it was intermittent and never a real problem. If you're between bouts of it, there are steps you can take to help prevent it from recurring. If you're past the breakout, but have scarring or discoloration on your skin, you're in luck!

The best thing to do for acne is to prevent it before it ever occurs. A combination of diet, drinking plenty of water and regular exercise will go a long way towards prevention. In fact the fastest growing movement in acne prevention is the all-natural approach. The drug companies and sellers of topical treatments may not like it, but more and more people are taking action to keep their skin clear without taking medicine or applying creams, lotions or other "magic potions" to their skin.

If you're currently plagued by blemishes, don't poke at them. It's tempting to want to get rid of them as fast as possible, but you could do damage to your skin and make the breakout worse. Since acne is not caused by "dirty skin", more washing won't really help, either. Frequent washing, especially with soaps and chemicals, can irritate the skin. Go gently and be patient might be the best medicine you can apply to your face.

Chronic acne that simply won't go away, even if you've seen a dermatologist and/or other medical professional may not be hopeless. There are new ways of dealing with acne from the inside and outside that are natural, safe and have shown real results for people all over the world.

Acne scars, discoloration, pitting and rough skin can be effectively dealt with by skin care professionals using powerful technology and chemical treatments that actually remove the blemished skin. However, even if that's something you can afford, it may not be what you want to endure. Happily, there's a new way of dealing with scarring, wrinkles, burns and other skin problems that you can read about on my blog.

Are you suffering from acne? Have you tried all the “cures”, with no success? Worried about scarring? Find out about a revolution in natural acne remedies! Go to http://acne-no-medicine.blogspot.com/ for more free information and resources for you to finally CONQUER acne and nasty acne scarring naturally!

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Reduction Methods - A Review

Moderate to severe forms of acne are usually the ones that lead to scarring. When a skin infection leads to inflamed skin and if cysts and nodules develop and break, bleeding usually occurs. Often, if the infection is deep enough, it might also lead to tissue damage. The result: acne scars.

How acne scars form

In a case of acne, the infection can spread from underneath the skin's surface and affect elastin and collagen fibers, effectively killing or damaging skin cells and tissues. When the body begins to heal itself, it tries to patch up the broken and damaged tissues. The skin, a functional tissue, is replaced with a scar, a connective tissue. This explains in part why it's usually easy to tell a scar from the rest of the skin.

Acne scar reduction

The best way to ensure that no scarring occurs in a case of acne is to prevent acne in its early stages. When pimples are only beginning to form, this is usually the best time to begin treatment. People who get acne make the mistake of believing in a common misconception about this condition - that there is something underneath the skin that needs to get out (pus, bacteria or cysts) and that it's best to wait and allow it to surface.

This is an erroneous belief about acne. The inflamed skin does contain bacteria and pus and in some cases, cysts, but it's not worth waiting for them to come out so that acne will clear up. It won't. You are more likely to get acne scars than clear skin if you let acne develop.

If you already have acne scars and want to reduce them, it's often best to see a dermatologist for a proper recommendation or medication. People who have acne usually have very sensitive skin and trying to self-medicate or seek the help of an unlicensed beautician who is ill-equipped to treat acne scars might only worsen the condition.

Methods used in acne scar reduction

Acne scars naturally recede and appear less noticeable over time but if you are not willing to wait that long, there are several methods used for acne scar reduction that you might want to discuss with your doctor. Each one is recommended depending on the size, type and severity of the scar. These include:

Skin peeling

Skin peeling is a method that utilizes chemicals to help lift off the uppermost layer of the skin. A strong peeling agent such as hydroxy acid or phenol is applied on the skin to encourage it to shed. The skin peeling chemical is only applied on the scars so that when peeled and reduced in size, it can create a smooth, level surface of skin.

Skin peeling is a common method used with scars although some patients with very sensitive skin might find the acid in the chemical too irritating. The rebuilding of the skin will also depend on the patient so if it does not heal quickly enough, the acid might contribute to more inflammation and scarring. Chemical peels usually take about two weeks before recovery.


Methods such as dermabrasion or microdermabrasion involve the careful surgical scraping of the uppermost layer of the skin in a controlled environment. This results to a reduction of the scar's surface and an evened out appearance of the skin. Abrasion is also effective in helping reduce skin pigmentation and acne spots.

Surgical scar excision

This is a surgical method of acne scar reduction that involves removal of damaged skin. A patient is placed under local anesthesia while the excess skin is cut. The remaining skin is then sutured and allowed to heal. This is a very effective method for deeper scars and marks although recovery time for this method is a bit long.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is one of the earliest methods used for acne scar reduction although it has also been used to prevent acne. Laser therapy effectively kills bacteria by encouraging the production of oxygen in the skin and it also burns away excess sebum. This helps reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as acne scar reduction and acne scar skin care and how to remove acne scars

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Treating Acne Breakouts With Over the Counter Topical Medication

You look in the mirror one fine day, catch sight of that terrible zit, curse up all the acne in the world and rush to your pharmacy. This is usually the first port of call for anyone with acne or an occasional breakout. You'll find many OTC or over the counter products there so what should you do. You could ask the salesman there or maybe you could call some friends and ask for their advice as to what to buy. Or again, maybe it was a recent TV commercial you saw that influences you.

The better thing to do ideally is to go to a doctor. Even better, a dermatologist. This will help your particular acne to be treated so it has a better chance of getting cured or being better managed. Out there in the store, you probably find it tough to choose from all those acne products you see there and a friend or a TV commercial are not the right guides. When a doctor prescribes for you, he can diagnose what type of acne you have and treat it accordingly. Of course, once that happens, you could maybe read up on the active ingredients and how they help.

Benzoyl peroxide happens to be one of the ingredients that is most used in acne treatment products. Whether in ointments or gels, it has been proved effective in fighting acne bacteria. What it also does is to flush out the dead cells on the surface of the skin so there is less chance of these cells and the sebum combining to create whiteheads and blackheads. The ingredient has been proved safe and can also be use on a regular basis to keep acne at bay in those who are prone to it. You have to be careful while applying it though because it does cause the hair and clothing to get bleached.

Also popular is salicylic acid which is used in many acne medications. This unclogs pores and clears up dead cells and thus prevents acne. It must be used fairly regularly to prevent the acne from recurring. The use of this ingredient does dry the skin so car should be taken.

Other popular ingredients are sulphur and resorcinol. Sulphur has been popular for over half a century though one is not sure how exactly it works to clear up acne. Resorcinol peels off the top layer of the skin and is combined with sulphur too in some medications. Sulphur has a rather awful odor and so is usually not used by itself today.

Benzoyl peroxide is probably the most used ingredient today and you'll find it being included in creams, lotions, cleansing bars and liquids or gels. These are usually recommended to be used twice a day though care should be taken not to let it go into sensitive areas like the eyes, nose or mouth.

Jim is a researcher and writer on many topics such as fitness, health and home finance. He is also a contributor for an Identity Theft informational website at Lifelock Reviews

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Heal Your Acne Naturally Forever

The key to healthy, clear skin is to choose a skin care regimen that's right for you based on the type of acne condition you have. Living with acne can be very difficult, and even more difficult to find just the right acne treatment for you. While most forms of acne are merely troublesome or embarrassing, there are some forms of acne that can lead to scarring and pitting of the skin.

People of all races and ages have acne. Acne will affect almost every person at some stage of their life. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. Acne vulgaris is most commonly experienced around puberty, typically of the face, shoulders and chest.

Experts just can't agree on what causes acne. Check your shampoo to make sure it isn't causing pimples or other breakouts on your forehead. New studies show that during times of high emotional stress, such as during exam time in high school, there are more acne breakouts; so are stress hormones the culprits?

It bears repeating, you want to be good to your skin and never pop or squeeze a pimple no matter how tempting. One helpful remedy seems to be to use ice to reduce the swelling caused by inflamed pimples: rub it over the blemishes for 2-3 minutes. Drinking lots of pure, filtered water may be one of the most important things you can do for your acne, working from the inside out.

If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and prevent the occurrence of new ones. Popping pimples can cause infection and scarring; best not to do it. A new, non-invasive treatment using red light and blue light in combination has been extremely successful on severe acne.

Too many chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oils and the skin will overproduce oil to compensate for it, blocking your pores and causing more acne. Use baking soda on a test area carefully for exfoliation, if you feel you need it. Use only products that have natural ingredients or try to use fewer products to allow your skin to heal naturally.

Acne prone, sensitive skin can get irritated by using astringents, skin toners, rubbing alcohol, facial masks, make-up and certain hair care products. Try applying a thin layer of coconut oil and massaging it deep into the skin to heal and soothe the affected area. Shave carefully and try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you.

No over-the-counter creams can help your acne from the inside out; they can only kill some of the bacteria on your face and help reduce the redness. Coconut oil is one of the best, if not the best, treatments I've found for acne.

Some alternative doctors recommend eating a raw clove of garlic daily for acne; you can chop one up and add it to your daily salad! Adding a lot of fresh, raw fruit to the diet has helped many people clear their skin up; there are tons of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in fruits. To cure yourself of acne, you need to correct the problems going on inside of your body that are causing the acne.

When your liver gets overloaded with toxins it'll send the toxins out through your skin as well as other organs of elimination. Besides external acne treatment it's even more important to work from the inside out too.

Get plenty of sunshine on your arms and legs; sunshine triggers the production of Vitamin D3 which is essential to having healthy skin. Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. Eat at least two organic apples a day while working to clear up your skin; apples are good for skin health - organic so you can eat pesticide-free skin (most of the apple pectin is in the skin), which helps with constipation.

The two most common digestive concerns that affect your skin are not enough water and not enough fiber. The next time you want to have a snack, instead of junk food, help your skin - have an apple, orange, peach, pear, banana, plum, berries or any other fruit.

By simply following a plan you've developed for yourself and sticking with it, you can reduce the severity of your acne or even eliminate it entirely. One should always think about cheaper, alternative, natural, effective treatment methods to get the best cure or solution to their acne, zits, pimples and blackhead problems. And whatever you do, stop wasting your money buying hundreds of dollars in acne skin care treatments, find cheaper natural methods.

For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to http://www.Best-Skin-Solutions.com Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens, and babies, including information on acne scar treatments

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment and Acne Prevention - The Truth About Tea Tree Oil

Can tea tree oil really get rid of acne? The answer seems to be "Yes" in both theory and practice. This extract for the tea tree in Australia is a natural antiseptic and antifungal agent which works well for many people. It is in the role of antiseptic that it helps in acne prevention and treatment. When you apply this natural oil on your blackheads and whiteheads, it prevents the bacterial infection from setting in and creating pimples. Applied on your pimples, it helps to kill the bacteria and promotes healing.

The trick is that not all tea tree oils are the same. First, we have to talk about the concentration. It is natural to think that using the undiluted form for acne treatment is good, because you can kill more bacteria faster. Unfortunately, Italian doctors have found that 6% of these patients suffer from skin irritation. Compared to this, only 1 in 725 patients using the 1% solution had allergic reactions.

A study published in the Oxford Journals showed that the oil below 4% concentration will not kill bacteria effectively, so this is something you need to think about for your acne treatment. The authors noted that hospitals which use the 4% to 5% concentrations as general antiseptics found the solution to be very effective.

How does this natural compound stack up against laboratory-created chemicals for acne treatment? Doctors in Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Australia compared 5% tea tree oil against 5% benzoyl peroxide. They concluded that both of them work - the difference being that benzoyl peroxide works faster, but 79% of their patients suffered side effects like itching, stinging, burning, and dryness. The patients using tea tree oil reported fewer complaints.

The next important point is the composition of your oil. Most companies extract their products from Melaleuca alternifolia, but there are at least two other species of the tea tree plant - Melaleuca dissitiflora and Melaleuca linariifolia. In addition, how the oil is extracted also determines the composition. Fortunately, the international standard ISO 4730 ("Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type") specifies levels of 14 components which are needed to define the oil as "tea tree oil." So before you make your purchase, you need to check for this certification.

Now, lets say you have your 5% tea tree oil, and it meets the ISO 4730 standard. You apply it but suffer an allergic reaction. Does this mean you cannot use this at all? Not necessarily. Remember that the remaining 95% of the solution is probably some kind of solvent. Your reaction could be against the solvent rather than the tea tree oil itself. So, buck up and try a different brand with another solvent. Just because the manufacturer says the solvent they use is inactive or inert does not mean you cannot be allergic to it.

If you are not a chronic acne sufferer, is it worthwhile to keep a small bottle of tea tree oil in your home? The answer is definitely yes. You can extend the shelf-life by keeping it in your refrigerator. And it is also useful for fungal infections and minor wounds. So you will definitely get some use out of it.

Click here to find out more about acne care treatment

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Program - Step 5 - Food to Stop Eating

Even though many dermatologists and doctors don't see the connection between your diet, constipation, a toxic colon, and a toxic liver with the acne that you are suffering from, it does not mean the food you eat is not important in clearing your acne.

If the doctors were right about food and the colon, then they would easily be able to help you clear your acne with their drugs. Drugs can give you temporary relief, it they work at all, but as you use them they can also give you some unpleasant side effects.

In her book, Food And Healing, 1986, Annemarie Colbin, points out,

"In a systems view of the body, input of all kinds relates to output of all kinds. Food, therefore, would have a definite relationship to matter pushed out through the skin. I am continually amazed that dermatologists persist in viewing the skin as merely a protective envelope for the body, ascribing its eruptions to 'viruses' and imprecise malfunctions and supporting the myth that 'diet has nothing to do with acne."

In my experience, diet has everything to do with acne. Not only did I fix my own bad skin through correct eating but I have seen among my students a number of severe cases - the large purplish kind of acne on cheeks and chins - completely cured within three months by a change of diet."

Foods to Stop Eating

If you smoke, drink alcohol or drink coffee, then this program will not work too well for you. When you have these addictions, your body's minerals and vitamins will be out of balance and it will be difficult for you to achieve any state of good health.

So, here are they foods that you need to stop eating. You don't need to stop eating these foods instantly. Not many people can do this. You need to do this gradually. I know it will be hard to stop eating some of these foods that you have enjoyed, over the years, but you have to ask yourself the question,

Which do I want to be ...Acne free or a junk food addict?

The choice is yours and I know you will make the right decision so here is the list,

* White Bread - This is considered junk food since it is void of any vitality for your body. It is hard to digest and causes constipation
* Chocolate - some chocolates are better than others. Those that have saturated fats such milk, butter and sugars are not good for your health and definitely not good for your skin.
* Fried Fatty foods - fried foods, butter, cheeses, beef
* Foods in packages - All foods in packages or boxes are junk food. They are considered dead food and provide no life force to your body. They take from you because they use up minerals, vitamins, and digestive enzymes during digestion. They contain no fiber so they cause constipation.
* Foods with artificial flavors and preservatives - These are non-foods that are super toxic. Your body does not know what to do with them so it stores them in your body as toxic waste.
* Milk, ice cream, hard cheeses - these foods cause allergies and cause mucus to form. This mucus coats the colon and other internal surfaces and interferes with the function of that area. Bacteria and other pathogens enjoy living in the mucus film. This mucus also tries to escape through the face when you have too much of it in the body. If you cannot digest dairy products, this can cause you to have acne.
* Sodas are the worst drink you can take. They contain plenty of sugar and phosphoric acid.
* Sugar is considered a white poison. It creates so many health problems in the body that the FDA should outlaw it.
* Salt - avoid salt only because it has iodine. Iodine has been shown to cause acne.
* Excess Vitamin B12 - can aggravate or produce acne.

There you have it. It takes a lot of will power and desire to change your diet. It can be done but do it slowly. Start changing your diet and see where you're at in 6 months.

Here's a great free deal...go get a free copy of Top 67 Foods" for great skin then go get information on how to get rid of acne here: Acne Foods

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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Home Acne Remedies - Does Overnight Acne Cure Really Work?

Have you heard of acne cure in 24hours? Have you ever considered its originality?
Do you really believe it works or you think it is just one of those hypes?
Have you tried it out and it did not work? Have you been confused about what you have read before?

If any of the above have ever crossed your mind, then this article is for you. This is not to
accredit or give a bad name to a product but to analyse what it is all about, so as to
get the best out of it for our own good. Let us go on:

1. I have personally been a lover of testimonies and evidence. I love proofs to show that something
is working About 150 000 people have been able to use the product

2. I love money back guarantee.This is important for any good and serious product.
If you are confident of your product then you should have no problems offering a
money back guarantee.

3. Very high success rate - This says it all. Your success is needed in buying any product. A very high
success rate is good and guaranteed.

4. It is a Natural cure - I do not encourage expensive creams in anyway.
Natural cure in my own opinion is far better. Be sure the methods here work. NO chemicals, only natural techniques performed in the comfort of your own home

Having said all these, it is still important to note that acne cure might require patience
depending on its severity.

Tosin Samuel is a seasoned writer and offer lots of free articles on his website. You can read more especially his "little dirty secrets about acne" on http://www.clinicarea.com

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วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Treatments - Get Rid of Acne Scars Easily

The Perils of Acne

Acne is a skin condition faced by teens and adults. It is predominantly caused by the clogging of oil glands and the resulting inflammation. For some, it is not just a matter of having pimples on the face but a potentially disfiguring condition. Acne often leaves scars on the face. Remember, your mom telling not to squeeze that annoyingly ripe-looking pimple sitting on your nose? She was right.

Then, what should we do? What are we going to make the scars go away? And how do we stop acne from making our lives so difficult? How do we start acne scar treatment?

Getting In Touch With Mother Earth

It is not a hippy or flower-power thing. Getting in touch with Mother Earth is a healthy and wholesome way. And Mother Earth has some helpful tips and suggestions for all types of problems, including acne scar treatment.

One good way to start working hand-in-hand with Mother Earth is going the natural or herbal way. This method is gentle and non-invasive. Furthermore, you will get to know the benefits of herbs and plants.

So, what does Mother Earth has to say about acne scar treatment? Listen to her wisdom


Water makes up seventy per cent of Mother Earth. And water is essential to the physical well being of every living being. The skin of your body is also made up of water and it is important to drink a lot of water to keep your skin (including the skin of your face) well hydrated.

Remember to wash your face regularly with clean water. Clean water also cools the inflammation and keeps scarring at bay.


Look around you. You are surrounded with lush plants and greenery. They are soothing to your senses... and they might also play an important role in acne scar treatment.

There are some herbs and plants that might be suitable for treating unsightly acne scars as well as keep them from forming.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a good plant to use, especially to cool or reduce the inflammation caused by acne. It is also known for its gentle healing properties when it comes to scars, caused by either acne or other skin irritations. The liquid mucous substance that oozes out when you cut the tip of an aloe vera stalk is thought to reduce swelling and fights bacteria. Apply it to the scars regularly. It also reduces the oily secretions on the skin and acts as a good prevention against acne.


Lavender smells heavenly. It is known to be good to stop scarring as well. Just use two drops of lavender essential oil and mix it with almond oil. Use medical gauze with this mixture and apply on the scars nightly.

Dandelion Root

For many people, the dandelion is a garden and yard pest. Yet, dandelion is known to be an edible herb, rich with nutrients. Dandelion root is great for acne scar treatment as it reduces toxicity and improves skin condition. It is a great purifier of the bloodstream. You can find dandelion root extracts in tablet or pill form.


Known as a revered Ayurvedic herb, neem is a tree found in India. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Neem can be used either in oil or powder form and is known to improve skin elasticity. You can also use neem powder to wash your face.

Tea Tree

The Tea Tree is found in Australia. It is anti-septic and anti-fungal. Mix two drops of tea tree oil with almond oil. Apply on affected skin/scars with medical gauze. Tea tree is also an effective acne scar treatment.

Onwards To Healing

Going herbal is a good way to start working closely with Mother Earth and her wisdom. For people with acne (and scarring) problems, the herbal route might be a suitable alternate as it is gentle and non-medical in nature. Some herbs are known to reduce the swelling and the scarring caused by acne. They are beneficial to the body's physical well-being.

If you want to know more, just type in 'herbal acne scar treatment' into your search engine of choice. Always carry out some research before you embark on any healing process. It pays to know more information.

Always remember: Wash your face and do not pick your acne, even if it is ripe and tempting you to squeeze it.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Remove Acne Scar at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/acne/acne-herbal-treatment.html AyurvedicCure.com is the World's Largest Alternative Health Portal. You can also Participate in Health Questions & Answers, Discussion Forums and Blogs. Also visit Remove Blackheads to get rid of Blackheads Permanently

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วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne's Effects on a Person's Confidence

A Social Struggle

People who acquire acne are inclined to live in solidarity, choosing to stay away from other people, and even avoiding their peers. Extreme depression, lack of self-confidence, and insecurities are the roots of this. As time goes by, this deep self-resentment will result to something worse. Negative energies will start to consume the person affected. The undesired effects it brings to a person's psyche will present itself through how the person relates to others socially. This will deter their desire to grow socially, academically and it can even extend onto the professional level. Dejection as a result of having acne often leads to low self-confidence. In the goal to escape any social responsibility, they end up deliberately missing out on social functions such as dates, gatherings, classes or any activity that will require them to appear physically.

A Psychological Struggle

Although acne is not a life-threatening disease, its psychological impact is so strong when acne appears on visible parts of the body. Recent studies on acne have presented the disease's effect on the person. The scars left by acne blemishes the skin for a long time, so viewing the psychological perspective of this disorder is essential. The severity of the acne can be viewed through its impact on the person's social and emotional life.

Aiding People Affected

Since the negative psychological impact of acne has already been established, most especially with adolescents and those undergoing the puberty stage, we should think of measures on how to prevent this kind of disease taking hold of a person. What we are dealing with is something that can seriously affect a person's holistic growth, which is gravely tampered with by the effects of acne: the damage that can cause depression, low self-worth, social isolation, drug use and even suicide.

Steps to Undertake

The first thing a person with acne should do is to face his or her situation. Society may discriminate in terms of physical appearance, which leads to a negative outlook in life. You should realize that you are not alone. As mentioned, "Acne affects about 80% of all adolescents," thus, eight out of ten teenagers experience the same thing. They are in the same fight. With this in mind, you do not have to fret and be embarrassed to enter into social relationships. Even though it may take time to heal you aesthetically, at least psychologically, you are recovering fast.

Other people are out there ready to support you. Your family, teachers, doctors and coaches understand the impact acne has marked on you. You may feel uncomfortable communicating with them and it might prove to be a hard task for you, but you would be amazed at the understanding and compassion these people have for you. If you are embarrassed to confront them about this, you can always write them a note or send them an email. With that, your friends, family, and teachers would be aware of the issues you are facing. Let them communicate with you on a regular basis so that they are aware of your feelings.

Dermatologists can also help you to gain more understanding about acne as a disease. Explain to them that the cause of your acne is genetic, that it is not acquired through unhealthy eating, bad hygiene or anything else. This will enable them to give a more accurate prognosis and give you a more suitable medication. Further studies regarding this disease should be made, this is to further broaden one's scope when faced with the disorder.

Karan has been involved with internet marketing for nearly 4 years and is an avid writer who writes on various subjects. Come visit his latest website at http://www.lawnmowertiresreview.com which helps lawn mower owners users find the best Lawn Mower Tires at the best prices.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Recipe: How To Ensure Zits And Low Self-Esteem

Have you ever wondered how to get acne? Hold on because what I'm about to tell you will knock your socks off.

Studies will soon prove that it's possible to grow your own pimples. Just follow these tips, and getting acne is as easy as making instant coffee.


Thanks to modern medicine getting acne has never been this easy. What earlier used to take weeks or months of hard work can be now achieved in a week. Complex tasks, such as, weakening the immune system are now only few pills away. Antibiotics also do a great job in damaging the liver.

The liver and the immune system are the biggest obstacles in achieving acne. So make sure that antibiotics are on top of your to do list.

We shouldn't let antibiotics take all the glory. Practically all prescription drugs can be called to help in your quest for pimples and reduced self-esteem.


Despite the wonders of modern medical science we should not forget the tried and tested methods. Diet is one of your best weapons against good health and clear skin. Unlike antibiotics it doesn't require any prescriptions. Diet is also cheap to implement, and you can do it at the comfort of your own home.

Here are few important points to keep in mind.

Make sure that you have plenty of meat, white flour products, refined sugar and dairy in your shopping list.

Meat for zits! Meat (the redder the better) is hardly ever completely digested and produces a solid amount of toxic chemicals in the gut. Meat also makes your body more acidic. Acidic body and toxins are just what the doctor ordered for a growing population of acne-causing bacteria. So make sure you don't miss on meat!

There's really nothing like sugar to push those pimples out. Luckily for you soft drinks are available everywhere. So try to have few cans a day.

The acne-causing bacteria love sugar. Sugar is quickly turned to ethanol. Ethanol helps to damage the liver and weaken the immune system. It also wipes out the friendly bacteria that stand in the way of your acne.

Bread, pasta, cakes, etc... slow bowel transit times. In other words they keep the food longer in the gut. This means that the bacteria have more time to produce acne-causing toxins. White flour products are also devoid of practically any nutrients that might clear up your skin.

Dairy products are the third dietary weapon against clear skin. Try to use commercial dairy products. They come loaded with hormones and antibiotics that have been fed to dairy cows. I'm sure you remember how important antibiotics are in creating acne - so why no get the double whammy benefit of taking them along with dairy.

Dairy is especially acid forming and the acne-causing bacteria love acidic environment. Another benefit of dairy is that it's practically impossible to digest after it has been pasteurised and homogenised. It means that it not only putrefies inside you, but it also disturbs digestion of other foods.

Can't argue with that - so make sure you get your own milk mustache.

In addition to eating certain 'super foods' there are also other things you can do help your acne. One of them is to eat all types of food at the same meal. If you eat only simple combinations the food might actually digest.

Good digestion = clear skin, and that's not what we want. So it's better to make sure that things don't digest properly. Here the rule is the more the merrier.

Eating late ensures that you have food in your stomach when you go to sleep. Normally during sleep your body would detoxify and clear up the day's mess. This is no good as it actually prevents acne.

Eat late at night and you actually create new toxins during the night and never give your body time to recover. Talking about another bull's eye, pimple pushing power tip.

Plus you get the additional benefit of not being able to sleep properly and wake up tired the next morning.

Acne enthusiastics; hold on to your hats and listen to this. McDonals has created a perfect diet solution for you. It's fast, cheap and practically devoid of any useful nutrients. Served in perfect acne-inducing combination. Let's all give a big hand to McDonals.


Here are few other things you can do to nail down beautiful, pimple covered face and watch your self-esteem fall apart like a shaky card house.

Acne lover stress. Stress prevents digestion and messes up sebum production. As you know more sebum = more beautiful, red pimples. So don't go light on stress.

Don't sleep for more than 6 hours a day. During sleep your body actually recovers and does the maintenance chores. Those things are like poison for acne. So sleep as little as possible, and if you have to sleep, try to eat late to minimise the damage.

Don't fall into the folly of physical exercise. Exercise strengthens your immune system, oxidises blood stream (oxygen is poison for acne-causing bacteria), fights off stress and generally makes you feel better. I'm sure you can see how that might prevent acne.

Moral of the story? Park your butt on the sofa and keep it there.

OK, so let's put it all together now. The formula for a skin full of beautiful, red and white pimples is

Antibiotics + proper diet + plenty of stress + max 6 hours of sleep day + no physical exercise = acne, poor health and lack of energy


OK, let's cut the jokes. Pull up a chair and hear me out. There is actually point to this.

Health (or disease) is a result of choice and action, not luck or genes.

Surely genes play a part in everything. But the fact is that you can cure acne.

Like there is a recipe for acne, you'll notice that there is also a recipe for clear, radiant skin. The only thing you have to do is to follow it. If you are wondering what that recipe is...

Before I share with you the best part, just ask yourself. What if I told you that I can share with you the 'recipe' for clear skin. How much would it be worth for you? 30 minutes of your time?

Was that 'yes' that I heard?

Great, because that's about the time it takes to read my free book Natural Acne Solution: How to Break FREE from Acne and Reclaim Your Life in 10 Days.

To claim your free copy just click here:

Just remember that acne and clear skin are results of conscious choices and actions, not luck or genes. So the question really is, are you ready to make that choice?

Seppo Puusa is the author of Natural Acne Solution: How to Break FREE from Acne and Reclaim Your Life in 10 Days. Get your free copy here: http://www.natural-acne-solution.com/book.htm

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วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Tips - 3 Tips to Get Rid of Your Acne Infection Forever

Are you worried about your acne infection? Are you still concerned about your facial skin? Is your flawed skin tone starting to bother you way too often? If the answer to even a single question is 'yes', it's time you read this article with care.

Keep Your Face Oil Free

Blemishes are known to strike at will. Especially if you are a teenager, the chances are that you may be suffering from either blackheads or whiteheads. To be able to get rid of them, you would be required to cleanse your face with fresh water and mild soap. You simply need to remove the excess oil from your face.

Make Use Of A Face Pack

Pollution and stress play a major role in aggravating the acne infection. In order to remove the pollutants from the surface of your facial skin, you simply need to apply a face pack, preferably a fruit facial, on a weekly basis. Likewise, you can try and soothe your mind by listening to soft music.

Apply An Anti-Acne Cream

There are plenty of anti-blemish supplements available in the market today. In order to avoid the occurrence of whiteheads and blackheads, you need to try and apply an anti-blemish cream on a regular basis. These creams are readily available through an online store. Simply place an order and the cream of your choice would be delivered to your doorstep.

In order to look good and maintain a flawless skin tone, you need to try and make use of the above mentioned tips on a regular basis.

Watch out for more information on the Best Acne Treatment and grab your risk free trial of Acne Treatment Supplements now.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Depends on the Type and Severity of the Skin Condition

Acne comes in different types and treatment also varies depending on the type of acne you have. Acne vulgaris is one type of acne that commonly affects millions of Americans. Eighty-five percent of people between the age range of 12 to 25 develop this type of acne. Acne outbreak could happen to everyone that is why it is important to know and understand the facts about this skin condition in order to find the perfect acne treatment that would control acne formation. 

Understanding the cause of acne
Myths and misconceptions exist about the causes of acne. This is because even the medical professionals are not certain what exactly causes this skin problem. This condition starts as lesions in the skin follicles. It develops when there is an abnormal secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands. When the oil mixed together with the dust and other particles, the skin pore is clogged thus bacteria conveniently reside and makes acne to appear and multiply. When the acne is infected, it goes deeper into the skin that can possibly leave a permanent scar.

Bacteria that causes acne
Propionebacterium acnes are the bacteria that cause pimples. This bacterium when mixed with sebum makes the affected tissues to swell thus acne formation result. Likewise, it cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment because it is anaerobic. Acne outbreak could be a result from the breaking down of skin fats that is caused by Corynebacterium acnes.

Acne in Teenagers and Adults
Acne in teenagers is commonly a result of hormonal imbalance during puberty. Acne formation in teens is milder and non-inflammatory but may become complicated especially in girls that are associated with menstruation. This skin problem does not only affect the teenagers but also adult specifically in women ages 25 or 30. On the other hand, adult acne is more complicated due to various causes. Hormonal imbalance due to menstruation and pregnancy is the most common contributing factor of acne formation in adults. Some women who used birth control pills and eventually stop from using are also prone to acne. Stress and other emotional strain can also cause acne.  Severe acne is common to boys and men that cause deep and permanent scars. However, this condition can be controlled but not completely cured. The acne becomes severe when it is infected thus cysts and nodules appear.

Treatment of Acne
Acne treatment comes in various approaches. Depending on the severity of the condition, you can use pharmaceutical products and other medications. Some topical antibiotic and chemical solutions can be used to treat certain types of acne and reduces scarring. There are also over the counter medications that you can buy without prescriptions such as topical antibiotics. The period of treating your acne will depend on the condition of your skin along with the cost of the therapy. 

In choosing the right acne treatment, you should select the appropriate medication that suits your skin type as well as the type of acne you have. You should be aware that most of the medications only reduce the symptoms but not the root cause of the problem. You can also use alternative treatment that is oftentimes more effective than the medication. Therefore, before your skin problem aggravates, you should find the proper treatment. Otherwise, you will suffer the long-time effect of acne that could make you feel inferior.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Information

Acne is a disorder that causes outbreaks of skin lesions usually called spots or pimples. It is a rather common disease, actually the most common skin disease that doctors come across. It usually affects young adults and teenagers more than any other age group. In fact it is so common in teens that it's thought to be a normal part of adolescence. This is not a really serious health threat but, it can lead to scarring. Of course it can affect you at any age. The most often found type is Acne Vulgaris which means ˜common acne". The worst type is made up of cysts (sacs) and nodules (swelling). Perioral dermatitis is the strain of which the younger woman can suffer from. Another sort of acne " acne mechanica " is the result of physical irritation to certain areas of the body, either resulting in or aggravating a previous instance. Your dermatologist will decide upon the best type of treatment for your particular case.

The type of treatment that you undergo should depend upon the type of acne with which you are afflicted. Having a severe strain when you are a youngster can do some damage to your psyche and self- confidence. The worst type of acne may even result in scarring that if not dealt with properly, could be visible for the rest of your life. Why do we have spots? The main cause is the production of sex hormones, called androgen, that start at puberty. Changes of hormonal levels in the various stages of pregnancy can also cause skin problems. Bacterial infection of clogged hair follicles is one of the main triggers of a bout of acne. New research states that milk can also be a cause. We all know that vitamins are good for you, but too much of the three B vitamins can result in flare-ups. There is no one simple cause of outbreaks, the condition is caused by many different factors, several of which you can do very little about. Most medical experts still say that the exact cause of acne is not known.

Acnezine is a scientifically prepared treatment made to get rid of it through a revolutionary antioxidant method. Of late, the FDA has put their seal of approval on several different lasers for the treatment of this skin codition. Light Therapy, although relatively new, has been demonstrated to be a useful treatment against the pain in the butt which is acne. You may be lucky and come across a new treatment that works great with your skin type and condition. At the end of the day a licensed medical person should always be seen for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition.

James Hunaban is the owner of http://health-matters.jims-info.com a site dedicated to health. Go there now and read some interesting views on all health issues.

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