วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne- Does Rubbing Alcohol Help?

Recently I cam across a question about acne. Someone wanted to know if rubbing alcohol would cure acne. Such ideas about acne are widespread. It is not only rubbing alcohol, but also whites of eggs, toothpaste, tanning and other miracle cures for acne. Let us find out if rubbing alcohol will help.

Acne- why it forms?

Once you understand why acne forms, you can decide what will help. Because of hormonal changes in the body, the sebaceous glands that are always open start getting blocked. Because of this block the sebum that is produced by the glands gets accumulated inside the gland. This is the beginning of acne. If the gland were open the sebum would have gone out on the skin. We now have a gland that is everyday getting bigger with more sebum. The bacteria P.acnes loves this sebum and begins multiplying in the gland. This infects the gland. Now we have a gland that is full of sebum, dead cells and bacteria. The body sends white cells to fight the bacteria. So pus also gets inside the gland. This inflating gland that is called a pimple, bursts when it can no more hold the matter inside. You land up with acne scar.

Acne- treatment

the acne treatment is directed towards keeping the gland open, reducing sebum production, and killing the multiplying bacteria. If one can take steps to treat all these three issues the acne will get cured. Rubbing alcohol will only kill any bacteria that are present on the skin. It will not help in keeping the gland open or reducing the sebum production. It is also doubtful about how much alcohol will reach inside the acne and kill the bacteria there. It is therefore not advised to try treating acne with rubbing alcohol.

DoctorGoodSkin.com is a comprehensive guide for acne and other skin conditions. You will find all the information, articles and tips on skin diseases and conditions, skin treatments and procedures, skin care, skin care products, etc. You will also find information about hair and nails diseases, treatments and prevention. You can try out some of the unique skin and health quizzes, to learn more about various skin, hair and nail conditions. Popular topics on the site include acne, dermatitis, cellulite, melasma, vitiligo, scars, stretch marks, collagen, laser resurfacing, sunscreens, etc. If you love solving quizzes, Funquizcards has many quizzes on different topics such as personality, love, dating, career etc.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - What Kind Of Soap Should You Use?

Acne treatment is a tough job for one who has it. They want acne to disappear overnight. But that does not happen. Soap has a role in treatment of acne. Some patients use soaps that peel off the skin and make it very dry assuming that acne will be treated faster. Does that really help or irritate the skin further? Some patients want to feel the skin soft and use soap with moisturizer. Some want the soap to have good perfume and want to feel good after washing. What kind of soap works well for acne patients? Let us find out.

Let us begin with the simple question- why do we use soap? We use soap to remove all the dirt, grime and impurity from the skin. Every other factor such as perfume etc. is secondary. Does your soap emulsify all the dirt and other impurities on your skin? Do you feel that your skin looks very clean after washing? If yes, that soap is right for you if you have acne. What about soap that removes more oils from the skin and makes it dry to very dry? This kind of soap is used because many people believe that oil or sebum alone is the main cause of acne. Please note here that sebum is one of the causes of acne, but by itself it cannot cause acne. If the gland opening is clear the excess oil/sebum will flow away and no acne will form. Therefore stop irritating your acne with harsh soaps. A moisturizer has no role to play in acne treatment. It keeps the moisture in and keeps skin hydrated.

Try to use a neutral soap with pH of 7. Acidic soap will cause unnecessary irritation. First look at the main function of soap, which is cleansing property. Think of perfume etc. later. Wash your face gently twice a day and dry the skin. Apply your topical medicine after that. It will reach the depth of skin faster.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Acnedoctor.us is a popular acne guide where you can find a lot of information, articles and tips about acne, its causes and treatment. Social network users, click for Christmas myspace comments. For Christmas Layouts- click Christmas Myspace Layouts to add to your profile.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Vitamins That Can Help

If you have acne and are looking for a safe treatment, there are many vitamins which can assist in healing the skin, improving skin health and help to free you of acne. Acne can destroy an individual's self esteem and unfortunately there is no "cure". Many of the acne medications can have bad side effects and some of the anti-acne skin care products can have harsh chemicals. Therefore, the best approach is a natural one and vitamins can go a long way in helping you to become acne-free.

Acne can be caused by and made worse by nutritional deficiencies and this is not so surprising when you look at how many refined foods most people eat, not to mention nutrient-poor foods such as sweets and foods containing refined sugars. The body has an amazing capacity to heal itself but this requires proper nutrition. Some good acne vitamins include Zinc, Vitamin A and vitamin E as these vitamins can help strengthen the immune system, assist in repairing the skin and help promote healthy skin. It is important that when you take vitamins that you do not only focus on a few vitamins but take a balance of all the vitamins needed - else you may cause vitamin deficiencies by overdosing on a few key vitamins and not taking a varied balance. Also, if you are pregnant or have certain health concerns, you should see your doctor before embarking on any acne vitamin program.

By far one of the most successful approaches to treating acne - or any health concern is to take a total approach where all factors concerned are considered. This would include resolving any nutritional problems, deficiencies as well as improving skin care, skin hygiene and any other factors which may be making your acne worse like stress and poor lifestyle. By following a total approach you would be more likely to get rid of acne without having to use expensive products or prescription drugs.

Vitamins are key to helping free you of acne as vitamins can help the body increase its ability to heal itself and increase skin health. Often though, many people who suffer from acne do not recover from the use of vitamins alone. Usually acne needs to be tackled using treatments to improve skin hygiene as well as handling any lifestyle and stress factors which may be making the acne worse. Therefore, I advise the use of vitamins along with a complete program which takes a total approach to treat acne.

Elle Darvelle has researched acne and vitamins which can help acne. She recommends an acne treatment program that takes all factors into consideration.

Click here to see which acne treatment she recommends the most.

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วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Does Food Make A Difference?

In the quest to cure acne faster and prevent it, medical science is looking at all the possible causes and treatments. In this respect various foods are getting examined and doctors are trying to find out if food has any connection with acne formation. Let us find out more about it.

Acne and chocolates

Many people believe that chocolates make acne worse. Many people believe that oily food will cause oily skin and make them more susceptible to acne. Acne formation does depend on stress. Genetics may have a definite role in acne formation. Why a teenager has got face full of spots, while other gets none. These are the mysteries of human body. Both produce hormones and both are at the age when most of the teenagers should expect acne. But some of them don't get any. Some of them not only get acne in adolescence but keep on getting it as they grow up.

Acne and food connection

There may be a connection between eating a particular food and getting acne. But science has yet to come to a conclusion about it. That does not mean that your acne may not be getting by a particular food. Science has not solved all the mysteries and many of grandma's recipes work for no scientific reason. It is for you to make a chart of food and acne. Whenever you get a flare up, try to find out if you had eaten any particular food. If this match continues, avoid that food.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Please find out more about the causes of acne here- Acne: what causes it?

The author C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free, please visit http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself young at all the ages find out more about the skin procedures and treatments that will make you young forever.

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วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Prevention - How to Prevent Acne With Extra Virgin Olive Oil

A little while ago, I heard that olive oil was an effective natural acne treatment. It sounded ridiculous. My acne is caused by oily skin, and you expect me to apply yet more oil to my skin? No, thank you. Not a chance. Definitely sounded like a snake oil sales pitch. And yet...

Being an inquisitive busybody, I decided to look into it. I looked on the internet. Read archived posts on forums and discussion boards. Poked around and stuck my nose where it wasn't welcome. In the end, I found mainly positive results. One group reported that they washed their faces with extra virgin olive oil, then washed off the oil with soap. After one week, their acne became worse. Unfortunately, they did not give any more details than this. Personally, their report does not really make sense. If they washed off the olive oil, then at worst, there should be no effect, right?

Most of the successful cases reported three main ways of using olive oil for acne prevention. The first way is to use a cleanser based on this oil. One small group of friends actually conducted their own experiment. They tested 3 different brands of olive oil cleanser: a cheap brand from their local departmental store, a high-end brand from an upscale boutique, and another high-end brand bought from a catalog. They found that the cheap brand caused more acne, but the two different expensive brands helped a great deal. Definitely looks like a case of you get what you pay for.

The second group of successful cases used this regimen:

  1. Wash with EVOO - apply a small amount to the skin, rubbing gently with finger-tips in circular motions. You may notice some hard grainy things. These are actually dislodged blackheads.

  2. Wash with glycerin soap bar - you can buy the orange-colored bars which Nutrogena sells, or use a generic brand
Some of them reported that after just a few days, they no longer wake up with oily faces. After just two weeks, they find fewer acne breakouts, and their skin has a healthy glow.

The third group of successes used EVOO as a kind of facial masque.

  1. Rinse face in plain warm water.

  2. Massage a small amount of extra virgin olive oil into skin until all the oil has soaked in.

  3. Dab face with a clean linen cloth until it matts the oily look.
After half-an-hour, they notice the sebum being slowly pulled out of the pores on their nose and cheeks. After just one hour, they find that their skin glows very nicely, without being oily.

It seems that normal extra virgin olive oil works very nicely. You do not need to buy the more expensive organic version. I am more comfortable with the idea of using this oil as a wash, much the same way as removing make-up. Overall, not a method you use to get rid of pimples but a potentially cheap and effective long-term method of acne prevention.

Click here to find out more about acne care treatment

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - The Testosterone Connection

Acne is a skin condition that affects both young men and young women alike. Not only that, acne is increasingly occurring in adults, and is an embarrassing problem for millions of men and women well into their thirties and forties. Has acne gotten worse over the past twenty years, or are we just imagining it?

Is it because we now have the internet and information is shared much more readily and easily that we know the true depth of the acne problem, or has it really become somewhat of an epidemic?

Well, my personal opinion is that acne has gotten much more widespread, especially in adults, and there may be any number of reasons for that, but at the heart of acne there is a culprit that can be both our friend, and in the case of acne, our enemy.

It's the male hormone (or androgen), testosterone. More specifically, it's a specific testosterone called DHT, or Dihydro Testosterone. This specific hormone, when produced in excessive amounts by the body, whether it be a female or male body, creates an environment for the oil glands to go into overdrive producing the natural oils that normally protect and moisturize the skin.

Normally, your oil glands are set to produce just enough oil to create the protective barrier between the environment and your skin, as well as act as a moisturizing agent, keeping the skin hydrated. When the oil glands are corrupted and begin to produce too much oil, things get nasty.

The oil has nowhere else to go, and so it clogs the pores, resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne, and smaller acne lesions because of the inflammation caused by the clogged pore.

It's basically a case where your body's natural protective mechanisms are corrupted and begin to work against your skin rather than protect and moisturize it, as nature intended.

This testosterone overload is precisely why the best acne treatments are aimed at helping to balance the hormones again, so that can facilitate the natural equilibrium between estrogenic (female) hormones and androgenic (male) hormones that should exist in every man and woman.

Other effective acne treatments, like the controversial Acutane, otherwise known as isotretinoin, are aimed at actually drying up the oil glands. I happen to shy away from this method, because this means that when you age, you don't have those natural oil glands to protect your skin and keep the elasticity that keeps you looking young.

Acne is usually a problem rooted in hormonal imbalance, and very closely related to periods of life where hormones tend to be imbalanced. This is why people do tend to break out more in their adolescence, when the hormones are still finding their way to balance and the body is still developing and changing, and also in adults, when stressful periods occur, since hormone levels are very sensitive to stress in most individuals.

Some argue that our foods today may be causing increased cases of adolescent and especially adult acne, since our foods tend to contain a lot of hormones or hormone-mimicking compounds in them, and this interferes with the natural hormone balance of our bodies.

This can be solved by picking only natural, organic products, especially when buying your meats, cheeses and dairies which can contain vast amounts of synthetic hormones designed to make the animals produce more milk, which can then be leached by your body and mimic human hormones in the body, upsetting the delicate natural balance.

Another argument may be that stress levels are constantly on the rise in our increasingly busy, hectic lifestyles, and this has impacted the hormone balance of adults, causing acne to increase in the adult population.

Whatever the cause is, we do know that it is usually rooted in hormonal balance, and that DHT is the culprit. If we can find the right product to help our bodies achieve this natural balance again as well as help control the oil production of our oil glands, we've essentially won the battle against acne.

Danna Schneider is the founder of acnezine review and clear pores review, where reviews on herbal products for acne Clear Pores and Acnezine, news and suggestions on new natural ways to be acne free for life can be found, as well as skin care regimens and tips for acne, acne rosacea and other inflammatory skin conditions.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Curing Acne - Household Ingredient Remedies

Practically everyone has had acne in their life and it can be very frustrating when considering the various remedies for treating it. Many people have wasted thousands of dollars just trying out new products and other ways to cure their acne problems. Why pay such high prices for something when you aren't sure it will work? Instead, turn to homemade remedies, which are cheap and risk free and give it a shot.

Here are some methods that you can use to help the "acne curing process". The best part about these methods is that most of the supplies can be found in your very own kitchen.

Baking Soda: Baking soda can be used as a great scrub substitute. It exfoliates the skin, removes the dead skin cells on your skin and unclogs your pores in the process. Mix small amounts of water with the baking soda so it has a paste like form, then gently massage it on your skin for about ten to fifteen seconds. Once that is done, begin rinsing it off with water and then dry the area with a clean towel.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar is a commonly used ingredient to cure acne; as it not only kills the bacteria, which is a big contributor to acne problems, but it balances your skin's pH level and absorbs excessive oil from your skin. The vinegar should be diluted before you begin the process: approximately eight parts water and two parts vinegar. Once that is done, apply the solution directly to your skin with clean cotton, leave it there for about ten minutes, then rinse it off a bit later. It can also be applied to larger problem areas, whereas more of a concentrated vinegar solution (2 or 3 parts water with 1 part vinegar) is used.

Lemon and Lime: Lemon and/or lime juice can be used as another substitute for vinegar; as it contains citric acid. Either the lemon or the lime may be used for exfoliating purposes, which will also halt the growth or spread of acne infections.

Egg Whites: Another common and powerful method is that of egg whites. Egg whites, which are very rich in protein, can be used as a "mask" to heal and rejuvenate your skin, which helps to repair your acne problem areas. They also can be used to absorb a lot of excessive oil on your skin.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal, like many of these other products, absorbs excessive oil and draws out the impurities clogged deep inside your pores. Simply heat up some oatmeal, let it cool for a short while, then apply it to your face. Leave the oatmeal on your face for a little bit, then remove it after it starts drying up. Doing this method on a regular basis will show positive results, but it may take weeks to see the effects.

Tea Tree Oil: Tea Tree Oil is one of the most commonly used all-natural household antiseptics that can be used to treat acne. You can strongly dilute it with some jojoba oil in order to treat your acne spots directly, killing off all the bacteria. Tea tree gel can also be applied to your entire face; as it is much more diluted and quite easy to apply.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Taking 2.5 grams of Pantothenic acid in tablet form, 4 times per day, will prove to be a gigantic help for those that suffer from acne. Pantothenic acid acts to help the body metabolize fats, which are later turned into sebum and excreted through the skin; which actually causes most acne problems. Pantothenic acid must be taken in large quantities, as small quantities will not have a very noticeable effect.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been used for centuries as a tropical application for the treatment of burns. When applied to the skin, it helps by preventing scaring and fade marks, as well as helps in the healing process of acne spots.

In Conclusion, you don't have to be a rocket scientist or a millionaire in order to find a way to get rid of your acne. All it takes is some simple household products, which won't burn a hole in your pocket and a few minutes of your time. Surely, you can spare a few dollars and a few minutes in order to rid yourself of acne.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acne

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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Hormones - The Real Cause of Acne?

Are hormones the real cause of acne? Or this a myth? Find out the truth in this article...

Common causes of acne are excess sebum, bacteria on the skin, and hormones that are out of balance. But which is the real cause of acne? The truth is that all three are part of the development of acne but only one is at the root of the problem - acne hormones.

The sequence of the causes and effects of acne goes like this: "inflammatory hormones" are produced from external factors like food and stress. These inflammatory hormones cause negative effects in the body and lead to "cellular inflammation".

Cellular inflammation builds up and if genetically predisposed, can cause the inflammation of the hair follicle and sebum glands. This results in excess sebum production. The bacteria on the skin which everyone has mixes with the excess sebum, and an explosion of inflammation results. This is called acne.

So internally, acne starts off as hormonal inflammation. One type of acne hormone is called prostaglandin series 2, and is produced as a reaction to "inflammatory foods" like fats and oils. The reason this hormone doesn't cause acne in everyone is that not everyone is predisposed to getting acne from inflammation. Some people put on weight or get some other body effect.

In order to successfully treat acne reducing the amount of acne hormones like prostaglandin series 2 is necessary, as it stops the sequence of biological events that happen inside your body that lead to acne breakouts.

David Rambai is an ex-acne sufferer and expert on how to cure acne naturally. David invites you to try out his online acne system to get clear skin.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scars and Makeup

When a person has acne scars, makeup is important. There is makeup for acne scars that is especially formulated for this situation.

Makeup for acne scars is manufactured by many different companies. If you are not sure which makeup for acne scars is the best to use you may want to do a little research.
Talk to a dermatologist before buying makeup for acne scars. Your dermatologist may have some great recommendations for makeup for acne scars.

Another person to ask is a friend who also has problems with acne scars. A friend can guide you to makeup for acne scars that has worked for them.

You can find makeup for acne scars online. If you don’t know what kind of makeup to use you will be able to read about lots of different kinds of makeup for acne scars. You might find really good prices for makeup for acne scars online.

You can go to a makeup counter at a mall and find makeup for acne scars. The cosmetologists will be able to help you choose the best makeup for you.

Makeup consultants that sell cosmetic products will often have makeup for acne scars. This is a great way to go because the consultant will come right to your home. You can try the makeup for acne scars and see if you like it before you buy.

When you decide on the makeup for acne scars that you plan to use there are a few things to remember:

1. Do not use too much of the makeup for acne scars.

2. Use a fine-bristle makeup brush to blend the makeup for acne scars.

3. Use a dotting motion to apply the makeup for acne scars rather than big left to right strokes.

4. Set the foundation with a transparent powder that does not contain oil.

5. Always have compact powder with you in case you need a touch-up.

When you find a good makeup for acne scars and apply it the correct way, your acne scars will seem to fade away leaving your face looking smoother.

Suzanne Hughes is the webmaster of the informative consumer website all-about-acne visit today for more great acne related information.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cystic Acne Cure

Severe cystic acne and nodules are pimples on steroids. Unfortunately, this type of acne are the most difficult acne to cure. Many companies come up with "acne treatment" products that offer false promises - almost all topical treatments for severe acne do not work. I've tried many of them, yielding further infection to no results. Here's why.

Severe acne are acne deep into the skin. Contents of nodular acne include puss, sebum, and tons of bacteria. If treated incorrectly or slowly, cystic acne may lead to deep scars in the face. There are a few proven cystic acne treatments that do work, but none of these are topical cream treatments. A good cystic acne treatment is one that kills the bacteria to prevent further inflammation, stop the accumulation of sebum, and keep the pores clean so the sebum can come out. This cannot be done with ordinary herbs and benzyl peroxide. There are very few products that do anything for cystic acne - don't waste your money.

The fastest temporary way to get rid of a cyst is to allow your Dermatologist to pop it. They take a few sets of instruments to open the cyst, clean out all the puss, so the cystic acne becomes flat. Normally, they make up to three holes into the skin to clean out the severe pimples - this is a very painful procedure. After, the Dermatologist gives you medication to prevent infection. From here, it takes about two weeks to a month for the wound to heal.

Do not pop the cyst yourself unless you are trained to do it. Attempting to pop a cyst at home usually is impossible. You need a large hole in order to get all the contents of the cyst out at once. By popping the cyst, you will only get a small bit of puss out of the cystic acne, and you will need to pop the cyst multiple times to get everything out. When you attempt to pop the cyst on your own, the cyst usually doubles in size, leading to further infection. This leads to a higher probability of scarring.

Accutane is the top treatment today for curing cystic acne, and acne altogether. It has a success rate of over fifty percent. Accutane does three things:

1. Reduce inflammation in the acne (kills off the bacteria)
2. Reduces the production of sebum, reduces/stops the sebaceous glands from working
3. Decreases the buildup of cells which leads to the formation of whiteheads

By satisfying all three requirements, Accutane could cure severe acne over the period of six months. Blood samples must be taken each month, since this is a severe treatment and may cause internal damages, especially to the liver. Your Dermatologist may ask you to stop taking this treatment if severe side-effects occur. Despite the many risks Accutane poses, most people ignore them and take this treatment anyway because it is so effective.

Unfortunately, I wasn't one of the successful people who took Accutane, so I had to look into other treatments to cure my cystic acne. I ended up looking into many other cystic acne treatments, and the first treatments I looked into were topical treatments. They made my cystic acne worse. It wasn't just me - almost everybody with cystic acne who took these creams and "natural cures," including herbs and special foreign medicines, had absolutely no success. Cystic acne are tough; applying acids and bases to the cyst does nothing.

A good acne treatment consists of three parts:

1. Prevents pores from getting clogged
2. Kills off bacteria so inflammation cannot occur
3. Reduces the amount of sebum (oil) being produced by the sebaceous glands

With these three factors treated, acne cannot form. Do to the severity of cystic acne, additional factors must be considered to treating and preventing the formation of cystic acne permanently. I, and many others have seen success with curing cystic acne by killing off 99.9% of the bacteria that causes inflammation in acne.

Choosing an effective acne treatment is an essential part of treating your acne. Search for an acne treatment Get acne reviews for products like sensiclear clearpores.

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วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Causing Food To Avoid

In this article I want to let you in on a little known secret about YOUR acne and how to defeat it. This piece of information is guarded quite closely by the acne industry because it means that acne is very simple and easy to cure. And that means they can't sell you expensive acne products anymore...

I used to suffer from cystic acne for many years. Like you I wanted a solution to this skin disease and was always trying things out to clear my skin.

I tried what my dermatologist gave me; antibiotics, accutane etc. These didn't work.

I tried the over-the-counters available in most chemists. These didn't work.

I tried some left-field therapies like acupuncture and homeopathy. These didn't work.

And I also tried some expensive cleanser systems that I found online. These didn't work.

So after many years of suffering from acne I still hadn't found a cure.

So I did some research into natural health and found out that food could be the answer. In actual fact it was the answer.

I discovered that certain foods caused hormonal imbalance. This imbalance resulted in my acne. So by avoiding these foods I could significantly clear up my acne. Not rocket science, but very effective.

The worst food for acne is vegetable oil. This causes massive hormonal imbalance and results in the worst kind of acne - cysts.

So I learnt where I was eating this food and made the changes to my diet to avoid it. I found I was eating it everyday without even realizing it! For example, I was using a vegetable oil as my cooking oil. I was eating junk food which had lots of vegetable oil in it. And I was using sauces that had vegetable oil too.

Once I learnt which foods I was eating that contained vegetable oil it became very easy to avoid them. And the difference to my skin was amazing. If you do the same you too can achieve a very easy clear up of your acne in just a few days. For more information on how to clear up your acne visit my website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why Is Acne Caused During Puberty?

There are so many various causes of acne, that attempting to narrow it down to one cause by asking questions such as, "Why is acne caused during puberty?" is absolutely ridiculous. When referring to puberty as a positive cause of acne, you are not only misdirecting your thinking, but also misrepresenting the facts or any information you may have uncovered as to the cause of acne during puberty.

Even though, technically, puberty is not the cause of acne, one is definitely left wondering as to the true cause in itself. Because of this age old question of why is acne caused during puberty, many scientists, doctors, and research experts, etc. have taken a look at the human body during various phases of puberty, pre-pubescent ages and post-pubescent ages as well. One thing they have all agreed on was that most often, close to 90% of all teens suffer acne on some level during the offset of their teen years. With numbers such as that, why is acne caused during puberty has become one of the burning questions of the medical society.

Some claim that the acne suffered from during puberty is a direct result of your body changing and producing far more than the normal amount of hormones. Others have thought is was the body cleaning itself out as it changes and grows during puberty. Either way, there is definitely a change in the body, whether temporary or permanent which is obviously affecting some of your body at an extremely elevated rate. This may seem strange and confusing, imagine how the teens feel while experiencing it. Puberty has become known as one of the most crucial, yet annoying times in everyone's life. It is necessary for us as we enter the primary stages of adulthood to experience puberty, one as a preparation for tougher times ahead, and two to help us learn what and how our bodies were made capable of.

Whether it is a direct result of impurities in the skin, blood, or body, suffering from acne at any age can be vastly annoying and embarrassing at the same time. Along with the other strange occurrences that appear at this time in your life, acne during puberty has rapidly risen in ranks to one of the most discussed and researched current topics today. There are many people out there attempting to find out why is acne caused during puberty, and many other questions as well. As long as there are questions, there will be research. As long as there is research, there will be the gift of knowledge.

Steve Morin is an ex-sufferer of adult acne and is now an authority in the area of Acne Treatment. Steve has expermeted with many different acne cures to find the very best that will help her get rid of acne.

You can visit his website for more infomation about these acne remedies.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Get Rid Of Arm Acne

Acne is not only present on your face but also arms. Just like any area of your body, your arms have hair follicles. They are connected to sebaceous glands. Usually, when the dead cells and sebum clog the glands, acne will develop.

If you sweat a lot especially while wearing tight fitting clothes, you are likely to encounter acne on your arms. Tight clothing tend to prevent the sebum and dead skin cells from shedding off from the skin. Consequently, the pores will get clogged and acne will develop.

For acne prevention, it is better to wear loose clothing. Always change your clothes every day. You don't want the dirt and dust to block your pores.

Sometimes, you find it tempting to scratch the acne on your arms. By all means, don't do it. You don't want to have arms full with scars.

If you go to gym for workout, you should shower after workout. This will keep your skin free from sebum and sweat. Shower will also wash away dead skin cells. Make sure that you arm is clean and dry after shower.

You can apply anti-acne creams or lotions that contain benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the skin where acne develops. Massage them into the skin, and then leave it on for 30 seconds. Then rinse it off. Bear in mind that benzyl peroxide can bleach your clothes. Therefore, wear loose clothing to avoid discoloration on your clothes.

Your arms don't have many oil glands as your face. Therefore, use mild acne treatments to prevent your skin from the inflammation and drying. Always keep your arms clean by washing them with a mild soap. Make sure that you don't scrub your arms as this will make the acne worse.

Sometimes, your arms develop known as keratosis pilaris. They appears as a bump of keratin protein in the hair openings. You can find them on your upper arms. They are not pimples. You can get rid of them by scrubbing your arms with a loofah.

Acne on arms may affect your self-esteem. With these simple tips, you can prevent and get rid of acne on your arms. If it still persists, then you should see a dermatologist for an appropriate treatment.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Solutions - The Best Solution For Acne Scars

Acne scars are left behind as marks after the acne heals. If they are not treated on time, it can lead to permanent scarring. As it affects one's self image, a lot of people spend considerable amount of money in finding a solution for their acne scars.

There are a lot of lotions and acne scar solutions that are being marketed online that make promises to get rid of your acne scar and give you a clear skin. Be warned that most of them are just empty promises and can actually cause more harm than good.

First step in treating your acne scar is to understand the type of scar that you have. Once you do that, you can identify the right treatment to heal the scars. Mild scars will go away on its own in a few days or can be helped by means of topical treatments like home remedies.

Some of the popular home remedies are:

1) Using Aloe Vera for acne scars
2) Apple Cider Vinegar solution on the face
3) Sandal wood paste and Neem paste
4) Tea tree oil face wash

For severe scars, the above remedies may not be of much help. It might require surgical procedures or more abrasive methods for removing the acne scars. One of the most recommended treatments for acne scar removal is chemical peel treatment. It consists of a chemical peel solution which needs to be applied on the skin. This will result in peeling of the top skin layers exposing the new inner skin.

Chemical peel solutions for acne scars come in different strengths and concentrations. Stronger peels are needed to remove deep rooted scars while milder ones would do for mild scars. Chemical peels also bring about a reduction in acne breakouts and pimples.

Home administrable peel solutions for acne scars are becoming more popular as they can help you get rid of your acne scars as well as years and years of collected dead cells and debris from the face and make your skin looking young and healthy. You can do all this at a very affordable price at the comfort of your own home.

Visit Acne Scar Remedies to find a review of the only Home Chemical Peel that is approved by FDA for safe home use

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Christie Simon writes for acnescar-removaltreatments.com

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Vulgaris and Other Types of Acne

"Acne" is the word used to refer a number of skin rashes that have different causes:

- The most common form of acne is Acne vulgaris, which means "common acne", and which typically affects the sufferer's face, shoulders, and/or chest. This form of acne is usually first experienced during the teenage years, around puberty, does tend to decrease over time and may disappear by the time that the person is in their early twenties, but can (in some cases) continue to affect other individuals into their thirties, forties and even beyond.

- There are also a number of other varieties of acne. These include (among others) Acne rosacea which is a red rash which predominately affects the face, Acne cosmetica which is a type of acne caused by cosmetics, and Acne keloidalis nuchae (also known as Pseudofolliculitis nuchae) which is a persistent inflammation caused by shaving. This is by no means an exhaustive list - there are many other varieties of acne that can affect people, some of which can be quite severe.

- A surprisingly large number of newborn babies can also be affected by a type of acne too. This form of acne usually affects infants between about the ages of 2 weeks and 3 months. Baby acne is known by the term Acne neonatorum, and tends to be often seen on baby's cheeks or nasal bridge.

People suffering from any form of acne should of course discuss the issue with their doctors. A doctor should be able to diagnose the type of acne, discuss the probable causes, and suggest possible treatments.

By S. Tanna. First published at Guide to Acne at http://www.guide2acne.com/

Note: The author is NOT a doctor or medical professional, and this article is NOT intended as medical advice. I strongly recommend that you consult your doctor if you need medical advice!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Scar Remedies - Home Remedies For Acne Scarring

Acne scars are a problem for millions of people. Since nearly everyone will suffer from acne at some point, acne scarring is a very common problem. Fortunately, there are many acne scar remedies that can help fade or eliminate most acne scarring. Most home remedies are natural and require nothing but over the counter products to help reduce scarring. However, you must be very careful when choosing acne scar remedies and products, since the skin on your face is very sensitive. Choosing the wrong product could damage the skin and make scarring worse. Here are a few safe and natural acne scar remedies.

Lemon Juice - Lemon juice contains a mild bleach that can help lighten scars and reduce redness. It also contains the alpha hydroxy citric acid, which exfoliates and removes the top layers of the skin. This can help to remove the rough, scarred skin and let new smoother skin surface. Lemon juice can irritate fresh scars and makek you sensitive to the sun so be very careful with it. Always use a sunscreen if you're going to apply lemon juice to your acne scars.

Cucumber - Grinding cucumber up into a paste and applying to the acne scars overnight can help reduce irritation and soothe the skin. It's not know how it works and there are no medical trials, but many swear by it's effectiveness. This is most useful for reducing redness.

Olive Oil - Essential oils like olive oil have been used in acne scar remedies for years. They help to moisturize the skin and reduce irritation while smoothing out the area. Be careful when using any oil on the face as it can lead to further breakouts.

There are many alternatives to these natural acne scar remedies that may deliver better results with less chance of causing new break outs. It's important to do your research and be sure you're using medically proven products and applying them correctly to achieve the best results. Always use caution when trying products from the internet.

For more information on acne scar removal and the best acne scar remedies, check out The Scar Solution. It's the most effective scar treatment product on the net, and it's guaranteed to work.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Remedies - Five Sure-Fire Acne Remedies You Can Find at Home to Kill Your Acne Now

If you're trying to find acne treatment remedies at your local dermatologist's office, you're probably barking up the wrong tree. Unless you get a sympathetic dermatologist, the most an expert like this will do for you is sell you some expensive acne products and persuade you to undergo some drastic treatment options. Sometimes, they'll only suggest using Accutane or birth control pills to control your acne. I don't know about you, but these don't seem like very good options to me.

Many times, you can find acne treatment remedies right in your own pantry. I'm not one of those people who will tell you chocolate causes acne, because it doesn't (and besides, I love chocolate, and I'll bet you do, too). However, there are certain foods, vitamins, and supplements you can eat that will help your body fight acne.

Here are five acne treatment remedies you can find at your grocery store, Walmart, Target, or online to start treating your acne right now:

1. Zinc - this is by far my favorite acne product. 50 mg of zinc per day helps me control my acne. It also keeps me from catching colds and the flu, both of which I'm pretty susceptible to.

2. Vitamin C - this is also a great vitamin to take. Vitamin C kills a lot of bacteria within your body, and it's also helpful when ground up and mixed with water and applied as a sort of facial on your acne.

3. Aloe vera - if your acne is bright red, inflamed, and painful, there's nothing better than aloe vera to soothe the skin. Apply it just as if you had a sunburn. I usually do it twice a day if I have a bad zit (or many zits).

4. Sulfur treatment - I use the sulfur treatment that comes in my Proactiv kit, but you can order sulfur ointments online for less than $8. Just do a search for "acne sulfur treatment" and you'll get some good results.

5. Ice - you're probably scratching your head thinking, "ICE?" Believe me though, if your pimples hurt and are really inflamed, putting a pack of ice or a paper towel full of ice cubes on your skin brings down the swelling immediately. My experience has shown that my zits are smaller and less noticeable (and much less painful) after applying ice to my skin for 15 minutes or so.

The very best acne treatment remedies, though are found right here at http://www.easyskintreatment.com. These work the best for anyone I know, and they work quickly, usually within 3-5 days.

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วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Makeup for Acne Scars - Hiding as You Heal

Acne is a pernicious and upsetting condition, and most sufferers long for the day when their skin is clear of it. But many acne patients achieve clear skin only to find themselves left with a disappointing aftermath – acne scars. While many scars will fade significantly with time, most patients will want to begin enjoying their improved skin immediately. Thankfully, there is great makeup for acne scars available that can balance the appearance of your skin, giving you the bright and clear complexion that you have waited so long to achieve. There is a wide variety of specialist makeup for acne scars available, but many people will find that ordinary makeup, applied correctly, will do the job just as well.

If you have had a history of bad skin, it is always wise to select light, non-greasy make up products – there are a huge variety of foundations and powders available for sensitive skins, and many medicated varieties, should you feel your skin still needs a little extra help in keeping clear. Remember that your scars will lighten as time passes, but if dark scars are making you feel particularly self-conscious then there is a good selection of speciality make up for acne scars available that can also be used to cover other types of scars and birthmarks. If you would like some first hand tips on minimising the appearance of your scars, then treat yourself to a makeover at one of your local drug stores make up counters. The professionals will show you how to use their products to best compliment your own skin.

If you feel that using makeup for your acne scars is simply not enough, then there are ways of getting rid of acne scars. Dermabrasion is a popular treatment among former acne sufferers, and can help reduce the appearance of pitted scars significantly. The procedure involves the light scraping of the top most layer of skin, and while it can be effective, the process will initially result in skin that appears very raw. Skin needs especially delicate treatment after this procedure and most doctors will advise against even the use of camouflage makeup after dermabrasion. This can be upsetting for many patients who have already spent too much time with bad skin, so before signing up for the procedure be sure that is worth the possibility of getting rid of your acne scars. Make up for acne scars can be just as effective.

Find out more about Acne Skin Care Products as well as Acne and acne cures and adult acne treatments at Peter’s website, Acne All Gone.

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วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne - Types of Lesions

The common form of acne, the one that most of us have had to deal with at some point in our lives is called acne vulgaris. It usually manifests itself in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. Whether it's the occasional pimple or the seemingly ever-visible outbreak, acne tends to appear as one of these forms. There are other ways in which acne can appear and sometimes it can have severe or devastating effects on its sufferers.

Here are some types of acne blemishes and lesions.

Comedones: are sebaceous glands that are blocked with dead cells, hairs and oil (sebum). A blackhead is an open comedo and a whitehead is a closed one.

Blackheads: are called blackheads because of the color of the lesion. It's commonly thought that the color is caused by dirt, but it's the skin's pigment's reaction to the air. Excess dirt (and sometimes makeup) are usually the reason blackheads form. Aside from excess oil, dead cells, and makeup, blackheads can be caused by too much scrubbing and not cleaning the skin properly. A blackhead should never be picked or squeezed because infection can result.

Whiteheads: are formed by sebaceous glands that are completely blocked. Because they are, there's no opportunity for skin's pigment (melanin) to react with the air. There's usually a whitish or yellowish appearance on the raised bump of a whitehead. Whiteheads normally come and go more quickly than blackheads.

Papules: are small, solid, red and often inflamed bumps. Unlike pustules, they contain no pus. Groups of small papules may barely be visible, but will feel like sandpaper if rubbed.

Pustules: are somewhat like a combination of whiteheads and papules. They're inflamed and red, but also have heads with pus in them. The pustule is what is commonly known as a zit. Popping or picking zits can lead to scarring.

Nodules: are usually an indication of severe forms of acne. These are inflamed, frequently painful, often larger, and extend deeper into the skin, than less severe forms of acne lesions. They can result in tissue damage and extensive scarring if not properly handled and treated. For this form of acne, a dermatologist should be consulted.

Cysts: are very large, pus-filled lesions that extend into the deeper skin levels. They are also often very painful and can lead to scarring. These types of lesions should never be squeezed because of the possibility of infection and scarring. Like Nodules, they may not respond to many of the available treatments. A dermatologist should be consulted for the best chance of successfully treating these forms of acne.

Most everyone between the ages of 12 and 20 has experienced some form of acne at some time or another. The vast majority is able to treat their outbreaks (if they need treatment at all) with medicines available at the local pharmacy. But for those with chronic acne or those who have some of the more severe forms, a qualified doctor is the only solution.

It's important to not give into the temptation to break or pick acne lesions. This can lead to anything from an infection to future (sometimes extensive) scarring. With good hygiene and a little patience, most acne problems can be solved. There are plenty of available medications that can handle the majority of acne outbreaks.

Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at http://www.acnesolutionsuniverse.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Sulfur and Acne

One of the oldest medications currently in use for acne is Sulfur. Sulfur and acne treatment go back to the tubes of popular ointments used in the 1950's

Before the invention of antibiotics there were few affective drugs other than sulfur for infections. Even after the development of the many drugs that were considered to be miracles, there are still limited uses for sulfur drugs.

The primary use of sulfur in acne treatment is as exfoliating or pealing agent. It is often used as one of the ingredients in the skin toned medicated concealers. It is in use in adult acne treatments today as an alternative to harsher less appropriate treatments.

When used with a treatment regime it is used last as a leave-on ingredient. This is an important distinction to keep in mind. Some ingredients in acne treatments have to be used briefly and washed off. Others are best used for hours before being rinsed off. However these are often very mild acne treatments.

The same ingredients in fact are often used in two or more products that are used consecutively. The same substance would in this case serve more than one purpose.

Sulfur takes its place among a handful of over-the-counter acne treatments that are used with FDA approval. It is an amazing and abundant element which can be found in natural occurrences particularly sulfur springs. Sulfur has a rotten egg smell and gives a yellow or orange appearance to surrounding ground when found in water.

It has been used for many other uses for many years and can also be found in common household products like matches. The continued popularity of this ingredient is its own recommendation.

Sulfur acne preparations have out lasted fifty years of the most daunting assembly of prescription and nonprescription drugs to hit pharmacy shelves.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Remedy - Thing You Should Know About Treating Acne

For several decades acne has been treated with all kinds of creams and lotions, medications, laser therapies but not many people take advantage of the existing home remedies for acne. As for many other illnesses there are certain herbs that are proven to cure acne and make a much clearer and tone skin.

Herbal remedies for acne. Lots of acne products are available on the market these days but not many people know which ones are right to use. Certain herbs have proved to be a lot more effective in the battle with acne than others. Chamomile, lavender, dandelion root and bergamot are some of the most frequently used herbs in all sorts of creams and face lotions. These plants not only contain substances that can help you stop acne from spreading but they can even help you cure acne completely if they are used for a longer period of time. Other herbs like poke root which is an anti-inflammatory herbal medicine and hazel that is known as the best natural-astringent are also used as acne remedies for the past two decades.

Apart from the herbal remedies for acne there are some rather easy techniques to help cure acne. Washing your face at least twice a day using a non-oily face wash or soap will give results in less than 30 days. This will help you stop the acne infection from spreading all over the face. After washing your face you should use a clean wipe to dry your face and apply an oil rich in vitamins and Aloe Vera. There are certain acne lotions that are specially designated to use after you wash your face. Stay away from any chemical cosmetics that can even worsen your condition.

Even if many people think that eating lots of chocolate, ice cream and other high-caloric foods can worsen their acne you should know that this is nothing but another myth and it will never aggravate the skin condition. No matter if you are an adult or a teen, acne has a bad impact on your confidence and it can even make you depressed or anxious, therefore finding a good remedy for acne is the short answer to your skin problems.

You can also always use a natural acne cure to clear you skin.

Natural treatments have been proven to be a lot more effective to cure acne. Besides, they are relatively cheap and readily available and the risk of side effects are very minimal.

To get a complete list of guides on how to cure acne the go visit our website now ==> http://www.Cure-Acne-Treatments.info

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วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Get Rid of Acne Quickly – Have Clear Skin Permanently

Have you tired almost everything to get rid of acne but only to suffer from
recurring pimples outbreak at random periods?

Most so-called remedies out there that promise fast results are not
permanent, because of that, you need to understand what it takes to help you get
rid of acne once and for all.

Many acne sufferers have horrible pimple outbreaks for years without knowing
that it can be gotten rid of for life, this is especially true during the early
stages of such occurrences where corrective actions should be taken.

If you believe in the conspiracy theory, you may even think the acne
treatment industry has been keeping it as a secret so that over-the-counter
products will continue to sell. What if there is not one, but several natural
ways to permanently eliminate acne and pimples for life?

First of all, the title of this article may be unbelievable at first glance.
Not only are there ways to get rid of acne in as little as three days, they are
natural procedures and can be proven scientifically. Forget what you know or
have been told about your acne problem because some of these facts are what
dermatologist won’t even tell you!

However, a little education on how acne comes about and how our skin,
especially those around the face, response to chemicals and the environment
changes is essential. This is the key to unlock the secret to permanent acne
control forever.

Here are some of the biggest myths that you may have been told:

  1. Acne can be treated easily with creams, but recurrences several days or weeks later are inevitable.

  2. Everyone has acne problem at some stages of their life, there is no way to prevent acne from appearing one morning over your sleep.

  3. It’s “OK” to mask the symptoms of an acne outbreak with cosmetics and powder.

…and perhaps much more that may mislead you into thinking that acne problems
can either be solved easily given some old-folk’s recipe and simple

The fact is that getting rid of acne is an issue much more than “skin deep”.
For true permanent solution to acne problem, you need to address it from three
facets: Inner nutrition, Outer protection and last but not least, physiological

Yes, it may sound more difficult than applying creams and lotions! The
question to ask yourself then is whether you’re looking for the only proven,
holistic way to heal, restore and have beautiful clear skin permanently, all
without any side effects.

Christoper Gryson knows how to get rid of acne quickly. After years of drug therapy, countless visits to dermatologists, and recurring bouts, he has found a way to banish it in 3 days in the comfort of his home. These propriety information have been complied into a step-by-step guide book which you can review at http://www.acne.rid-of.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Tips On How To Get Rid Of Pimples: At Home Help

You might not be aware but the solution to your pimples lies right in your home. Have you ever asked the elder members in your family on how to get rid of acne?

You will be surprised with the variety of tips on how to get rid of pimples at home they have to offer.

The best part is that you can do all this with the things available at home and do not incur any extra cost but the results are always spectacular.

Simple Things To The Rescue

You will not believe what ordinary everyday things can do, for example take the common toothpaste (not the gel type), dab a little of this on the acne and you will find how effectively it dries out your pimple.

The same effect can also be brought about by holding a used tea bag or a cotton ball drenched in lemon juice.

You could make a solution of camphor lotion, honey and tomato juice and apply it on your face and keep it for 15 minutes. Wash it off with luke warm water and follow it up with a cold water rinse, it helps to control acne.

Groundnut oil mixed with an equal amount of lime juice if applied on the affected part of the face prevents the formation of pimples. Again, glycerine mixed with borax powder, water and camphor lotion also makes an effective acne controller.

Turmeric plays an extremely important part in Oriental homes because of its myriad curative properties. One amongst them is its power to treat acne especially when it is mixed with whole-wheat flour. Another method is when it is mixed with sugarcane juice.

Oriental cuisine is also fond of garlic because of its many curative qualities. Apart from many ailments it also has the power to prevent one of pimples. You could cleanse your skin with a mixture of 3 parts water and garlic juice and follow it up by applying raw garlic on the pimples. This not only cures the acne but also rids the skin of any blemishes caused by it.

Another method that says bye bye to your acne is a mixture of fresh lime juice, glycerine and boiled milk. This prevents pimples and also gets rid of blackheads. The juice of raw papaya could also be applied for preventing pimples.

One thing you could do to control acne in general is to wash your face with lukewarm salty water. This helps to keep your face oil free and hence pimple free.

Lastly, do not forget to lead a healthy lifestyle with a minimum of stress, drinking lots of water and maintaining a balanced diet to help these natural remedies to take full effect.

Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of http://www.myacneskintreatments.com Visit Robert And read more about treating acne at http://www.myacneskintreatments.com/Acne-Treatments.html

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วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Is Acne Genetic?

Doctors, until now, did not believe that Acne was genetic, or 'inherited'. Because of much research, they are changing their points of view in favor of genetics. But what does this mean to you? Do you really care if acne is genetic or not? It actually means a lot. If scientists can find a genetic factor which causes acne, then they are not far from a final cure for this condition.

At the Medical College of Georgia, in Augusta, Georgia, researchers have spent countless hours working with families and even twins to find the answer to this question. What did they discover? That acne did in fact seem to run in families and they found that 81% of the time, that was true.

Look through your family. You will find one if not many who suffered or are suffering from the same condition. Many times you will see the scarring; the sometimes physical effects of severe acne years after the eruptions have disappeared.

It seems logical that if we look like our families, have the same birthmarks, freckles, etc. that we would also have the same pre-disposition to acne. Now that we all believe that this could really be a factor, what does that mean? Are you stuck with acne forever because of this? Definitely not!

More than likely, your relatives did nothing to prevent the acne and scarring. Years ago, people felt helpless because there wasn't much research and very few products on the market that truly helped. Today things are different. Whether your acne is hereditary or not, there are simple steps, home remedies and medications that will not only control but erase your acne completely.

Rose Argiro is a specialist in the dermatology field. She has been a resource for many patients that were dealing with acne or acne vulgaris. Rose has written many informative journals on getting rid of acne and acne skin care acne skin care.

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Homemade Acne Cure - 4 Homemade Acne Remedies That Work!

As you might already know, acne is a skin disorder that can occur in virtually anyone at almost any stage of his or her life, regardless of gender, age or skin type. There are several homemade acne treatments that are known to be effective in helping you cure your acne or at least control it. In this article I’m going to reveal 4 simple but effective homemade acne remedies that can help you have a cleaner smoother skin. The following tips will help you keep your skin clean from oil, which is one of the main causes of this disease.

1- Wash your skin with glycerin based soaps or sorbitol based cleansers

In order to keep your skin oil free and clean from dirt it is very important to periodically wash your face water using glycerin based soap. By using glycerin based soap or sorbitol based face cleanser, you will get rid of all your skin’s oil without over-drying or irritating it. Also another reason for using these types of soaps is that they also balance the acidity of your skin, this creates a hostile environment for bacteria to grow resulting in a cleaner face.

2- Oatmeal facial mask

Oatmeal is known to be a very good in help you maintain an oil free skin by absorbing it. All you have to do is make a thick paste by mixing regular oatmeal and water and apply it to your face for 10 to 20 minutes twice a day, preferably in the morning and at night before going to sleep. Rinse the paste off your face preferably with cool water.

3- Honey and apples facial mask

Another very effective facial mask for those with oily skin is made from honey and apples. Just make an apple paste and add 3 to 4 tablespoons of honey mix it well and gently apply it to your face, leave it to work for 15 minutes, the rinse it well with warm water.

4- The famous toothpaste remedy

Spread a little toothpaste on your zit before going to sleep at night. This is supposed to reduce zit swelling. It’s one of the most popular home remedies because it really works.

It is very important for you to know that the above homemade acne remedies are known to work well on treating and reducing the symptoms of acne, this means that they will not get rid of the root cause of it.

If you want to know how you can cure your acne naturally feel free to visit the below site and read my review of what I consider the best acne free program ever created:

Natural Acne Cure Program – Includes an integral proven acne solution even if you suffer from severe acne

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วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Free In 3 Days - A Way to Clear Your Skin?

Acne Free in 3 Days is all you hear about when you search for an acne cure online. But what is it actually all about? Does the 3 day technique work, or is it just another scam acne product?

When searching for an acne cure online I found something called Acne Free in 3 Days. The website promised a way to cure my acne in just 3 days, and although I was skeptical, I had the money and so bought the program...

And was instantly disappointed. You see, the 3 day program is basically just a 3 day apple fast, meaning all I could eat was apples, and all I could drink is water. I had to wait a few weeks to get 3 days spare and then I gave the 3 day fast a try.

And it actually worked really well. By the third day I was virtually acne-free, and stayed that way...for about a week. Then my acne came back as bad as ever.

So what went wrong? Well nothing actually. I followed the instructions in the Acne Free in 3 Days program to the letter. When I went through the book again I noticed that the author states that the 3 day apple fast has to be done once or twice every month to stay acne free!

This wasn't practical for me a:

1) Doing a 3 day fast is very energy-sapping and I had to stay at home doing it. To do it twice a month would be impractical for me as Im too busy.


2) I lost weight doing the 3 day fast, and for me to do it regularly would be dangerous...

So I was back to square one again - acne-plagued. It wasn't until I found out about how the food I ate was causing most of my acne that I started to clear my skin without doing fasting. For example, by avoiding vegetable oil my acne improved DRASTICALLY.

So where can you find the acne disaster that is vegetable oil? Well, cooking oils are often vegetable oils. Common ones are sunflower oil, rapeseed oil and soy bean oil. Do not cook with these, or eat foods containing them.

Check the food ingredients list for foods containing vegetable oils and make sure to avoid those listing them. There are plenty of foods that don't contain vegetable oils, but I bet you're eating the ones that do contain vegetable oil, and this will account for a large percentage of the acne you get daily!

To find out more about how I cleared my acne visit my free website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne, Stress and Inflammation - Does Stress Cause Acne?

Is there really any link between acne, stress and inflammation? There is a lot of research on the topic and this article will help you understand the relationship between acne and stress.

The short answer is yes, research shows that there is indeed a link between stress and acne. In fact, the main reason people continue to face acne problems in adulthood is because of stress at home and at the workplace. What has not actually been determined is if stress actually causes acne or if it exacerbates the problem.

A recent study at Wake Forest University found that teenagers who were under stress were 23% more likely to have an increase in acne problems. According to researcher and dermatologist, Gil Yosipovitch, M.D. , "Acne significantly affects physical and psychosocial well-being, so it is important to understand the interplay between the factors that exacerbate acne. Our study suggests a significant association between stress and severity of acne."

There is some debate as to exactly why stress causes acne to worsen. Some studies show that under stress, your body produces more sebum oil - the natural element that your body secretes to keep your skin moisturized. Overly oily skin, however, can result in clogged pores and cause acne to appear.

Other research shows that while stress does cause acne to appear, it does not accelerate the production of sebum oil. What these studies have found is that stress actually triggers inflammation in the body and makes small acne problems appear big.

So while the exact reason as to why acne stress occurs, there is conclusive evidence that stress does indeed aggravate acne. Therefore, the best thing to do is to understand how your body reacts to certain situations and learn how to practice stress management techniques that will help you keep maintain an even keel.

What is interesting is that while there doesn't seem to be a relationship between acne and diet, studies do show that caffeine causes your body to react as if it were under stress. Since Caffeine creates stress-like chemical reaction, it is best to reduce the amount of soda and coffee intake to see if that improves acne severity.

Learn more about acne, stress, and other acne tips by signing up for the free acne newsletter. Visit Get Rid of Blackheads and permanently cure your acne problems: http://www.getridofblackheads.info

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วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment Risks - Are You Risking Your Life With Your Acne Treatments?

Let's face it; You probably don't care WHICH acne product or program you use... just as long as it gets rid of your problem skin, right?

Some people are willing to risk potential side-effects from acne treatments in order to attain clearer skin.

Do you know people shop online to obtain accutane without a prescription? Without first at least consulting with a doctor?...Taking accutane unsupervised? Do you think that's a good idea? That's a scary thought to me. First of all, make sure you know all the side-effects involved when taking certain drugs for acne.

Back when I was suffering from acne (and a loss of self-esteem) I basically turned myself into a human guinea pig of sorts...I wasn't a big believer of drugs, but I attempted every possible dietary measure, vitamin pill, herb, oil, and some other stuff I won't mention here, to rid myself of acne.

I'll admit I did some crazy stuff during my search... In the end, the answer was right under my nose all the time; The right system using foods and food strategies, and the proper understanding of how the human body functions as it's own healing mechanism. That did the trick.

So whether you're mega-dosing on supplements, herbs, fats/oils, powders, or using potent creams or lotions, or, taking prescription drugs - using a tanning salon -- WHATEVER -- just be careful!

Truthfully, most doctors openly admit that what they do is relieve symptoms until the body's own natural healing mechanisms and immune system can finish the job.

And the best approach -- and safest -- I found, was sticking to "food."

Try Jim Iannelli's popular 'Acne-Free In A Weekend' Challenge. It's FREE to Download at http://AcneFreeinaWeekend.com No creams, lotions, or pills needed. Learn step-by-step how to clear your skin naturally, using streaming audio and video tutorials. Go to http://www.Acne-Free.com to find more information.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 2 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Medication - 4 OTC Acne Medications and Side Effects

Most people experience mild cases of acne breakouts. So, it is not unusual for people to go to their local drugstores and get over-the-counter or OTC medications for acne. They opt for this than go to their doctor and seek prescription medications for acne. This is perfectly alright since this treatment works wonderfully as long as you have a good skin care regimen.

There are actually several OTC acne drugs that are sold in the market. You should know your options before you actually purchase one. If you're not comfortable with purchasing a popular brand, you could consult with your healthcare provider before you opt for any OTC acne medication.

There are several options that you can consider when choosing your OTC drugs. Here are some of the OTC acne medications:

1. Benzoyl Peroxide - This is one of the most common ingredients for acne treatments. In fact, this is the primary OTC choice of many people suffering from mild acne. This medications works by killing the bacteria which causes the acne. It also helps in shedding off dead skin cells in order to clear blocked pores. The popularity of this medication may be attributed to the fact that it is one of the oldest OTC acne drugs around. Of course, like any other drug, benzoyl peroxide has its side effects which include drying of the skin. This ingredient is also found in a lot of products like soaps, gels, bath washes, lotions and creams. If you're going to pick out a product, opt for gel formulations because these are non-drying.

2. Salicylic Acid - Aside from benzoyl peroxide, many people also use salicylic acid. It is another common acne medication because it is one of the safest acne treatments around. This compound is also found in aspirin but as an acne treatment medication, it is great in removing blackheads and whiteheads. It also helps in the shedding off of dead skin cells so accumulation of dirt, oil and dead skin cells is less likely.

3. Resorcinol - This medication, if combined with sulfur, is quite effective. It actually wears away hard dead skin cells in order to clear clogged pores. So, this helps in preventing pore clogging and dirt buildup.

4. Alcohol with Acetone - This is one of the mildest antibacterial acne treatments around. This treatment has always been used by many people. This actually helps in removing the dead skin cells and oil from the skin surface. However, the treatment value of alcohol and acetone are limited. It can only treat the problem on the skin surface.

The Drawbacks of OTC Acne Medications

First and foremost, you have to understand that not all of these OTC drugs or medications will work for you. In fact, they might not work for you at all. Even some treatments are not recommended by physicians today like alcohol and acetone combination. This treatment is quite harsh although this is an old-fashion acne treatment method.

There are drawbacks to the various OTC acne treatment medications. For instance, the shortcoming in using benzoyl peroxide is that you cannot use other forms of acne treatment. This treatment should stand alone. Otherwise, you might experience skin allergies or irritation. This also comes in various strength forms. You have to be careful when choosing the dilution strength, otherwise, you could end up aggravating the condition. Another disadvantage to using benzoyl peroxide is that while you attempt to treat your acne by using this medication, you also accelerate your skin aging.

Another product with significant drawback is the salicylic acid combined with sulfur. Although this can be effective and may be less harsh than benzoyl peroxide, it can turn your skin into a shade of brown. So, before making your choice, you should carefully consider all possible side effects.

The author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Best Acne Products and Natural Acne Treatments

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne: What You Need to Know About It

Acne is a skin condition that plagues both adults and adolescents alike. An acne condition may come in the form of pimples, whiteheads or blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and even cysts. Mild forms of acne such as pimples, whiteheads and blackheads usually develop on the person's face, particularly the T-zone. The T-zone is a term used to describe the areas of the face most prone to acne which are the forehead, the nose bridge and the nose and sometimes down to the chin. Other areas prone to mild and severe acne are the back, the chest and the shoulders.

Acne is a skin condition that is not exclusive to a particular demographic area or region; and studies have shown that 75% of teenagers today have at least a mild case of acne. Albeit the actual process of why and how a pimple or acne can develop is unknown, studies have provided us with common elements found in people with acne that may just be sufficient to establish a general set of possible factors that perhaps trigger the appearance of acne. Hormones are one of these alleged factors. Adolescents in puberty stage are more prone to developing acne as during the said stage, adolescents' bodies produce hormones that affect the actual production of acne. These hormones - namely estrogen for females and testosterone for males - create different changes in the adolescent's body such as the narrowing of the hips for males, the growing of breasts for females and the production of acne for both.

An in-depth study of acne shows that it affects more than a person's skin or physical appearance. A severe case of acne, especially with a teenager, can cause serious social traumatic experiences, which may result to varied but nonetheless devastating psychological effects on the person. In the puberty stage where peer acceptance becomes a major concern for the individual adolescent, having acne may become detrimental to developing a healthy self-image. Thus, treatment of acne becomes a major concern. And to be able to treat acne, one must be able to identify the type and form of acne that one is suffering from based on its respective characteristics in order to narrow down its possible cause per case, bringing one closely to its effective treatment.

Forms, Types and Characteristics:

Acne Vulgaris

Acne Vulgaris is the common form of acne. It can vary from mild to moderate, to severe cases and they come in different appearances.

Mild and moderate acne are characterized by different acne types such as whiteheads, blackheads, pustules and papules. A whitehead is a result of a trapped sebum or oil, dead skin cells and bacteria in a clogged pore that creates a white pointed top on the skin's surface. A blackhead is a result of a semi-clogged pore with some of the dead skin cells surfacing to the top. Pustules are simply inflamed whiteheads with a yellow pus or white center. Papules on the other hand are inflamed bumps that have no openings or heads, unlike pustules.

Nodules and cysts characterize a severe case of acne vulgaris. Nodules are large, hard bumps or swelling under the surface of the skin that are much painful than papules and takes harder and longer to heal. A cysts is an abscessed nodule with a pus inside.

Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea is more common in adults rather than adolescents. It affects both men and women alike. It appears mostly on the T-zone, characterized by red, puffy swelling or bumps. Acne Rosacea can develop tissues that grow on the spot of the bump that is called rhinophyma. It can be so severe that it can cause scarring and disfiguration on the affected areas.

Acne Conglobata, , Acne Fulminans, Pyroderma Faciale and Folliculitis are the more severe forms of acne. An acne conglobata is characterized by interconnected lesions with blackheads that can appear on shoulders, back, upper arms, buttocks, chest, face, thighs and torso. Acne Fulminans are more common among young males. Acne fulminans can be so severe that it can cause disfiguring of the affected areas. Negative Folliculitis is characterized by cysts and pustules that may be caused by skin trauma and bacterial infection. Pyoderma Faciale commonly affects females and is characterized by large, painful bumps or nodules and swelling. It can also result to scarring if not treated immediately.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Acne

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