วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ten Ways to Improve Acne Skin Care Treatment

A good acne skin care routine is essential to preventing and controlling acne. Although there are many things you can do to treat acne, we will discuss ten ways to improve your acne skin care treatment.

1. Avoid Irritating the Skin

Many people believe that if they pinch a pimple it will go away. That is not true. Pinching, picking or squeezing only irritates the skin and eventually results in scarring. Your skin needs to be free from irritation for a few days before any effective acne treatment can be implemented.

2. Avoid Scrubbing Your Skin Hard

Some people believe that scrubbing their skin will reduce the excess oil levels in their skin glands. This in turn will prevent acne outbreaks. The truth is scrubbing your skin will only make your acne condition worse. It will irritate the skin.

If you have extra oily skin, you should regularly shampoo your hair as part of your acne skin care routine.

3. Avoid Using Strong Soaps

Strong soaps overly dry the skin. If you want to use soap, use a gentle soap such as Ivory. It is a good idea to use a gentle cleanser to wash your skin at least twice a day.

4. Avoid Electric Razors

In most cases, an electric razor will irritate the skin more than a normal razor. If you experiment with an electric razor, watch closely to see the extent to which it irritates your skin. Always use a sharp blade and moisten your skin thoroughly before applying shaving cream. In order to reduce nicking your skin and irritating it, change the blade at least weekly.

5. Avoid Excess Time in the Sun

Sun causes serious damage to the skin. Although a suntan can temporarily mask acne blemishes, the long-term result is increased skin damage and wrinkles. The sun also causes skin cancer. You don't want to have to deal with that on top of an acne skin condition.

If you are outdoors, use a suntan lotion. Keep in mind that many medications used to treat acne increase the probability of sunburn.

6. Avoid Oil Based Cosmetics

Many cosmetic products contain chemicals and oils that aggravate your acne condition. You should use oil free cosmetic products for your make up. When first beginning an acne skin care regimen, you may find it difficult to use cosmetics because they do not apply smoothly on the skin.

7. Watch Your Diet

What you eat and drink has a major impact on your acne condition. Many people are dehydrated and don't even know it. You should drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

You should avoid junk foods and carbonated drinks. These are not digested well by the body and end up being eliminated as toxins through your skin. The result is an acne breakout.

A low fat diet supplemented with vitamins can make a huge impact (for good) on your skin. Many people, especially teenagers, think they can eat whatever they want and then just apply more acne product. This becomes a vicious cycle and produces serious long-term skin problems. It is easier to learn to eat right and avoid acne breakouts. A good vitamin supplement, which contains vitamins A, C B-complex and E are nutritious to your skin.

8. Use a Good Moisturizer

Part of a good acne skin care treatment is the consistent use of a good gentle skin moisturizer. Keeping the skin soft and moisturized is critical to healthy skin. It reduces irritation and improves the appearance of your skin.

9. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is important in reducing your acne skin condition. Regular exercise reduces stress. Stress is often linked to acne skin conditions. The healthier your body is the more likely you are to fight off infections that cause acne breakouts.

When you exercise at least thirty minutes a day, you sweat. Sweating is the body's way of eliminating toxins. Toxins can cause acne breakout. You should exercise minimally three times a week for thirty minutes.

10. Use Natural Acne Treatments Whenever Possible

When possible, use natural acne treatments. They generally have fewer side affects and tend to promote lasting success in overcoming acne. Natural treatments don't use harsh chemicals or procedures that irritate and damage the skin. You can usually purchase over-the-counter acne products. They are cheaper and often much more effective.

Now, it's up to you to develop a good acne care treatment routine that works best for you. Be consistent in following your plan to be acne free.

Larry Andrew is the author and publisher of the Treat Acne Resources website at http://www.treat-acne-resources.com It is your one stop resource for the best acne products and treatments.

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