วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ten Ways to Improve Acne Skin Care Treatment

A good acne skin care routine is essential to preventing and controlling acne. Although there are many things you can do to treat acne, we will discuss ten ways to improve your acne skin care treatment.

1. Avoid Irritating the Skin

Many people believe that if they pinch a pimple it will go away. That is not true. Pinching, picking or squeezing only irritates the skin and eventually results in scarring. Your skin needs to be free from irritation for a few days before any effective acne treatment can be implemented.

2. Avoid Scrubbing Your Skin Hard

Some people believe that scrubbing their skin will reduce the excess oil levels in their skin glands. This in turn will prevent acne outbreaks. The truth is scrubbing your skin will only make your acne condition worse. It will irritate the skin.

If you have extra oily skin, you should regularly shampoo your hair as part of your acne skin care routine.

3. Avoid Using Strong Soaps

Strong soaps overly dry the skin. If you want to use soap, use a gentle soap such as Ivory. It is a good idea to use a gentle cleanser to wash your skin at least twice a day.

4. Avoid Electric Razors

In most cases, an electric razor will irritate the skin more than a normal razor. If you experiment with an electric razor, watch closely to see the extent to which it irritates your skin. Always use a sharp blade and moisten your skin thoroughly before applying shaving cream. In order to reduce nicking your skin and irritating it, change the blade at least weekly.

5. Avoid Excess Time in the Sun

Sun causes serious damage to the skin. Although a suntan can temporarily mask acne blemishes, the long-term result is increased skin damage and wrinkles. The sun also causes skin cancer. You don't want to have to deal with that on top of an acne skin condition.

If you are outdoors, use a suntan lotion. Keep in mind that many medications used to treat acne increase the probability of sunburn.

6. Avoid Oil Based Cosmetics

Many cosmetic products contain chemicals and oils that aggravate your acne condition. You should use oil free cosmetic products for your make up. When first beginning an acne skin care regimen, you may find it difficult to use cosmetics because they do not apply smoothly on the skin.

7. Watch Your Diet

What you eat and drink has a major impact on your acne condition. Many people are dehydrated and don't even know it. You should drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

You should avoid junk foods and carbonated drinks. These are not digested well by the body and end up being eliminated as toxins through your skin. The result is an acne breakout.

A low fat diet supplemented with vitamins can make a huge impact (for good) on your skin. Many people, especially teenagers, think they can eat whatever they want and then just apply more acne product. This becomes a vicious cycle and produces serious long-term skin problems. It is easier to learn to eat right and avoid acne breakouts. A good vitamin supplement, which contains vitamins A, C B-complex and E are nutritious to your skin.

8. Use a Good Moisturizer

Part of a good acne skin care treatment is the consistent use of a good gentle skin moisturizer. Keeping the skin soft and moisturized is critical to healthy skin. It reduces irritation and improves the appearance of your skin.

9. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is important in reducing your acne skin condition. Regular exercise reduces stress. Stress is often linked to acne skin conditions. The healthier your body is the more likely you are to fight off infections that cause acne breakouts.

When you exercise at least thirty minutes a day, you sweat. Sweating is the body's way of eliminating toxins. Toxins can cause acne breakout. You should exercise minimally three times a week for thirty minutes.

10. Use Natural Acne Treatments Whenever Possible

When possible, use natural acne treatments. They generally have fewer side affects and tend to promote lasting success in overcoming acne. Natural treatments don't use harsh chemicals or procedures that irritate and damage the skin. You can usually purchase over-the-counter acne products. They are cheaper and often much more effective.

Now, it's up to you to develop a good acne care treatment routine that works best for you. Be consistent in following your plan to be acne free.

Larry Andrew is the author and publisher of the Treat Acne Resources website at http://www.treat-acne-resources.com It is your one stop resource for the best acne products and treatments.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Treatment - How to Take Care of Your Skin?

Basic skins care for acne can help you control aggravation and stop scars to a certain extent. Please take the following care -

1. Don't pick acne. Trying to squeeze out blackheads or whiteheads may lead to further infection. Picking up acne at second stage may lead to scarring.

2.There is a misconception that excessive sweat or dirt can cause acne. In blackheads what you see black is not dirt but oxidized sebum. Please don't be harsh with your skin. That will aggravate the acne condition. Gently clean your face with mild soap or cleansers formulated to care for acne and warm water. Pat dry, don't rub.

3. Use noncomedogenic cosmetics and skin care products. Noncomedogenic products are certified to not cause or aggravate acne.

4.Protect your skin with sunscreens. Avoid getting tanned. If you are under treatment for acne, consult your doctor about sun exposure as some medicines make your skin more sensitive to sun.

5. Facials may aggravate your acne. Avoid any kind of facial if you have an acne outbreak.

6. Do you have the habit of touching your acne frequently? Avoid that. Also avoid any bangs coming on the forehead.

7. If you think that more than recommended dose of cream/lotions prescribed for your acne will cure acne faster, it is time to change your thinking. That may harm you rather than helping you.

8. Keep your face free of make up as much as possible. Let the skin breath fresh air. Acne prone skin needs fresh air.

9.Avoid using any oil or oil rich product for your hair. Use oil free hair care products. Oily hair may worsen your acne.

10. Don’t get worried if your medication does not produce immediate result in treating acne. Consult your doctor and find out the time during which you would get relief from acne. Don't worry till then. Acne medication takes time to treat acne and produce clear skin.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article

The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ for more information about how to have good skin. You can read articles, advice and ideas at http://www.yourromanceguide.com/ on love, dating, marriage, relationships, break-ups, etc. You can use free love and romance ecards from http://www.cupidecards.com/ to send your love messages to your darling.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

5 Great Home Recipes For Acne Treatment

In the US, millions of dollars are being spent each year on acne medication, and acne skin care products; however, as most people who suffer from acne can attest, the majority of these products only give temporary relief, with the added downside of mild to severe side effects.

If you're someone who's struggling with mild to moderate acne, you can control it with natural products you can find around the house, or your garden. Here are 5 great acne home remedy recipes that you can prepare right in your kitchen. These are things you can use safely to keep your pores closed, to treat surface infection, reduce swelling, and soften your skin.

Thyme As An Astringent

Thyme is excellent for treating acne. Add about 1 tablespoon of dried thyme, or a small bunch of fresh thyme to 1 cup of boiling water, and steep for at least fifteen minutes. Strain and store in a jar in the refrigerator. Apply to skin as an astringent to tighten pores. Keep in the refrigerator for about one week.

Calendula as a Toner

Calendula (marigold) is one of those power herbs that has many uses. Taken internally, calendula has been used to reduce inflammation, as a detox to cleanse the liver and gallbladder, and to treat digestive disorders. Calendula is also an excellent skin care herb for the treatment of acne. It soothes inflammation, and it's effective in healing damaged tissue caused by acne.

Use calendula toner as part of your daily acne skin care regimen. To make the toner, add one teaspoon of dried calendula flowers to one cup of boiling water, and steep until it cools. Strain, and store in a clean jar with a tightly fitting lid. Keep in the refrigerator for about a week.

Keep Your Pores Clean With Garlic.

There have been many reports evidencing the healing benefits of garlic when applied to the skin to treat acne. Apply a paste of two crushed cloves of garlic to the face taking care not to get any of it in your eyes. Leave on for no more than 15 minutes. If the smell bothers you, lather your face with pure African black soap, and rinse with warm water.

This is a good treatment for acne, but you should use it with extreme caution if you have sensitive skin as garlic is very strong, and can burn, or irritate your skin. It's recommended that you do a skin test before applying it to your full face. You can also use garlic juice by crushing the garlic and squeezing the juice through a garlic press. Do spot treatment directly on the pimples, and zits. Leave on for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water.

Baking Soda As A Mask And Exfoliator

You can use baking soda to treat acne either as a mask or a scrub. When used as a facial mask, baking powder will absorb all the surface oil, tighten your pores, and leave your skin incredibly soft. To make the mask, mix baking soda with a little water into a paste. Apply to your face, and leave on for ten minutes, or until the mask is dry. Rinse with warm water.

You can also use baking soda as a scrub to eliminate flaking skin, and excess dirt from you pores. Rinse your face in warm water. While your skin is still dripping wet, begin to massage the baking powder into your skin in a circular motion, apply more water as needed. Follow with your favorite toner or astringent.

Clay Mask

Clay has been used as a healing therapy since ancient times. Many animals in the wild, and primitive tribes around the world have used clay instinctively to eliminate toxins from the body, to regulate digestive problems, and to treat skin disorders.

A clay facial mask does wonders for any kind of skin. In the case of a acne, regular use of clay masks reduce infection, swelling, and help close the pores while leaving you with a glowing skin. If you chose to use clay masks to treat acne, I recommend that you get pure living, therapeutic clay such as montmorillonite, bentonite, or pascalite. There are many prepared clay masks that you can find over the counter; however, most of them contain other ingredients, and preservatives.

As a remedy to treat acne, I recommend you apply a mask made of pure living clay at least once a week. Mix the clay with water to make a paste, apply to your face avoiding the eyes. Leave on until the clay dries then, rinse off with warm water.

For more acne home remedies, and information about acne natural skin care, and treatment visit http://www.acnenaturalcures.com

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Using Zinc For Acne - How Does It Work?

There are many vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids considered as helpful in preventing acne breakouts. Among all these, zinc is making a great impact. If you're looking for a safe and painless way to treat your acne, consider taking zinc supplements.

What is Zinc?

Zinc is a mineral that's probably best known for boosting the body's immune system. Zinc can be found in more than two hundred enzymes; it is, in fact, the mineral with the greatest quantity present in enzymes. One of the primary functions of zinc is helping white blood cells - the antibodies in our blood - continue with their normal activities. Without zinc, not all of our white blood cells will be able to function.

Sources of Zinc

Lots of acne products and treatments already contain zinc. Besides that, you can take zinc supplements to increase zinc levels in your body. Also, zinc can be found in various foods like nuts, sunflower seeds, peas, beans, whole grains, poultry, eggs, dairy, and lean beef.

How Zinc Works against Acne

It was mentioned earlier on that zinc can boost our body's immune system. This is good news in terms of acne prevention and treatment. Remember that the two biggest causes for acne breakouts are bacteria and hyperactive sebaceous glands. When your immune system malfunctions, it can sometimes cause sebaceous glands to work more than it should, which then leads to increased oil levels. And as always, where oily skin exists, so does acne.

Secondly, the immune system is the body's main defense against all sorts of illnesses, whether they're caused by bacteria, viruses, or any foreign body entering our system. When the immune system is weak, harmful substances find it easier to get inside our body and some of these may lead to acne breakouts.

Obviously, with these in mind, zinc will help prevent acne breakouts simply by keeping our immune system strong and healthy.

Potential Advantages of Using Zinc Supplements

No Scarring. This is one of the greatest concerns expressed by people when considering acne treatments. Not all treatments can guarantee the absence of scarring. Most can take away red acne from your face, but they're sure to leave blemishes and spots. If you desire a completely flawless face - your original complexion if you will - once acne has been removed, you face a safer future with zinc supplements.

Skin-Healing Properties. Zinc is generally good for the skin. It has long been used to treat babies for diaper rash and itching. If you suffer from such problems, these could also lead to acne when irritated. In this case, using zinc supplements will serve as acne prevention by treating present skin problems. Zinc has also been found effective for sun protection and preventing your lips from chapping.

Its skin-healing properties are among the reasons why it can prevent scarring after application or use. Before any wound appears, zinc is already working on affected areas, healing skin tissues and promoting cell growth.

Hormonal Regulation. Sometimes, acne is a side effect of hormonal irregularities in your body. Unknown to many, women have male hormones as well and vice versa.

During a woman's menstrual cycle, hormonal irregularities occur, which can later on lead to acne breakouts. With birth control pills, hormonal irregularities are rectified. This is why birth control pills are also used as acne treatments. Zinc is also an ingredient used for making birth control pills. In terms of safety, however, zinc supplements may be a healthier option than birth control pills as acne treatment.

DNA Synthesis. Although this term sounds too scientific to have a direct connection to acne breakouts, all it simply means is that with DNA synthesis, you get beautiful new skin and that's where zinc comes in. This mineral can promote DNA synthesis and through it, old dead skin cells are replaced with new ones. New skin is always acne free and with it, you start off with a clean acne-free slate. Isn't zinc wonderful?

Ultimately, however, there are still inadequate data present to fully prove that zinc supplements and zinc-powered acne treatments and solutions are completely effective as stand-alone remedy. For now, increasing intake of zinc would only do as a complement to other acne solutions. Consult your doctor for other ways to increase the presence of zinc in your body.

Flor Serquina is a writer and also a wife and a mother who has a great interest in maintaining the healthy skin of the members of her large family. For more information visit her website, where she discusses various subjects such as zinc for acne and new acne treatments and acne home remedies

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

10 Ways to Treat Acne at Home

If your acne is mild and you don't think it is necessary to see a dermatologist, you can treat your acne at home. Although there is no one best home remedy for acne, there are a number of ways you can treat it effectively and safely. Even better, each home remedy for acne described below is easy to follow.

First, keep your hands away from your face. This means refraining from picking, popping, and squeezing your pimples. If you pop a pimple, you can spread bacteria on your fingers to other parts of your face and increase the likelihood of scarring. Also, don't rest your chin on your hands.

Wash your face properly. This does not mean scrubbing your face vigorously several times a day, because washing only removes oils from the surface of your skin. It does not unclog plugged ducts. Instead, wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening before you go to bed. Use your fingertips and a mild cleanser.

Don't exfoliate, which is scrubbing to remove the top layer of skin cells. The skin on your face is very delicate, and using a rough washcloth, loofah, or cleansers with granules will only make things worse.

Use over-the-counter products with benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is a very good home remedy for acne because it breaks up the plugs of dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil in your pores. You may want to start out by using a lotion with a low concentration of benzoyl peroxide, such as 2.5 or 5 percent. If your acne does not improve within four to six weeks, you may want to try a 10 percent lotion or gel.

Try to reduce stress. Stress does not cause acne, but it can aggravate the acne you already have.

Avoid wearing form-fitting clothes that trap heat and moisture, and promptly change into fresh clothes if you have been sweating heavily. If possible, try to refrain from wearing sports helmets, hats, backpacks, and tight collars.

If you must use makeup, be sure to use water based, noncomedogenic (they don't promote the forming of closed pores) makeup instead of oil-based. Read the label to see if the makeup is water- or oil-based. Try to use powder blushes and loose powders instead of liquid foundation.

Limit your sun exposure. Although the sun might clear up acne in the short term, in the long run it only irritates your skin. It is not uncommon for skin to break out as it heals from sun damage,

Watch your diet. Foods with high levels of iodine, such as seafood, can encourage acne. In addition, recent studies have linked eating dairy foods such as milk, cottage cheese, and cream cheese with acne. There is no evidence that greasy foods and foods such as chocolate and nuts cause or worsen acne.

You might try natural treatments for acne. These treatments include rubbing affected areas with lemon, garlic, or cucumber, or making a mask out of cooked oatmeal.

If you wish to try a home remedy for acne, there are many remedies for you to choose from. While it may not be necessary or possible for you to try every home remedy for acne suggested here, there are a number of remedies that simply require you to break bad habits, or acquire good ones.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to serve as medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your doctor.

To learn more, visit http://www.theantiaginginfosite.com, if you are looking for more information on treating acne at home

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Best Drug Store Acne Medication

Buying acne medication at your local drug store is one of the first steps to treating your acne yourself, at home. But with such a wide variety of products available, and add to the fact that more and more celebrities endorsed products are coming into the market everyday that try to catch your attention, it can be a little bit difficult for you to make the wiser purchase. I was in your shoes, buying the latest and most expensive acne treatment products that promised me a miracle, and in the end, getting no improvement over my acne condition.

In this short article, I would like to show you some of the best acne treatment products that you can use and how you should choose your cleanser, medication, lotion and so on.

1. Buying a cleanser

A cleanser that suits your skin type is very important. You need to wash your face properly before applying any products so that the active ingredients can be absorbed by your skin more effectively. Clogged and dirty pores just won't make it easy for those medication to reach the core of your skin.

When choosing your cleanser, you do not need to look for signs that says "Clear blemishes!" or "Acne No More!" because cleanser is always not effective in treating acne. The main purpose to have a cleanser is to cleanse your face and maybe replenish it with vitamins and minerals. Cleansers that claim to have the ability to treat your acne is not effective. Instead, you should use cleansers that contain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C and Zinc. These nutrients are able to strengthen your skin structure to prevent future acne breakout. It is effective under this term.

2. Acne Cream / Lotion / Gel

The best would be benzoyl peroxide, better if combined with a little bit of salicylic acid. This medication kill acne causing bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide is a strong medication. Expect dryness and rashes to occur after you use them. Use as instructed on the labels. Products that contain only sulfur, salicylic acid or triclosan is not as effective as benzoyl peroxide-based products. Take note.

Chances are, you do not want your skin to be treated with benzoyl peroxide if you have sensitive skin. Get yourself tea tree oil instead, as it causes less sensitivity to your skin. Its strength is comparable to that of benzoyl peroxide. The choice is yours to take, natural or chemical.

3. Moisturizer

More expensive products do not mean they have more quality. You only need some decent moisturizer to calm your skin. Choose those moisturizers with lots of vitamins and minerals. They are good for your skin. If your skin is healthy, you would not have acne.

4. Mask

Again choose masks with vitamins and minerals instead of the masks that claim to cure acne. They do not work that well.

Basically, you just want to have a cleanser that has deep penetrating ability to clean your skin effectively, a bacteria killer - benzoyl peroxide, a toner and/or moisturizer to replenish your skin with bursts of minerals and vitamins and pamper your skin gently. Masks are not necessary to have.

If you are interested in learning how to cure your acne quickly and effectively without scarring and spending the big bucks, you can visit my acne site at http://acne-miracle.blogspot.com It will show you every thing you need to cure your acne spots.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Food - Eat This Color For Clear Skin

There are many acne treatments on the market, but none are as effective, simple and inexpensive as making some easy changes to your diet...

I used to suffer from acne for many years and tried many ways to clear my skin such as antibiotics, accutane and many cleansers and pills. None of these made much difference to my skin, and I spent years frustrated by my condition...

...It wasn't until I found out about how food caused my acne that I managed to clear my skin permanently. This is how it works:

Some food causes hormonal imbalance. This imbalance leads to acne. Some foods helps to balance hormones. This helps prevent acne. So it becomes a simple matter of making easy diet changes to clear your skin in a short amount of time...

So which food is the best for balancing hormones and preventing breakouts? Green vegetables is the answer. These have large quantities of nutrients like vitamins, minerals and enzymes, that keep hormones very well balanced and give all the nutrients and energy the body needs to stay in great condition.

When I started to eat more green vegetables I noticed instantly a vast improvement in my acne. I started to eat green veg like broccoli, leafy greens (salads), peppers, peas and lots of others. Once you start to see how much of a difference it makes to your acne you will soon grow an instant liking for green vegetables. For more information on how to clear your acne visit my website now.

Jack Venta has set up a free website for you that reviews the best acne cures available and reveals how he cured his acne 100% within 1 week. Check out his website at Acne Solved right now.

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