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The Many Causes Of Acne

Acne remains a bit of a mystery. It seems to be partly hereditary, but why some people are affected by it and others are untouched isn't exactly known. We do, however, understand some of the biology behind it.

The main culprit is the excess production of sebum, an oily substance whose function is to keep skin and hair lubricated and supple. The production of the oily sebum blocks the skin's surface, which provides an ideal environment for bacterial growth. The bacteria multiply, the skin area becomes red and inflamed, and then a pimple pops up.

The Role Of Testosterone

The excess production of sebum is caused by testosterone, the male hormone. However, testosterone is present in both males and females. During puberty, the body changes in its reaction to testosterone, thereby producing extra sebum. This irregular reaction, occurring mainly during adolescence, causes the skin -- particularly the face and upper torso -- to become oily.

The sebum then combines with naturally occurring dead skin cells to block hair follicles.

The body usually regulates its reaction to testosterone by the early 20s, and then the annoying acne clears up.

Hair Follicle Theory

Narrowing hair follicles could be involved with the production of acne -- so says a recent scientific theory. Evidence suggests that hair follicles may become restricted for several reasons, including excessive shedding of cells within the follicle, abnormal cell binding, or water retention which causes the skin to swell.

The narrowed hair follicles prevent dead cells from being expelled from the body, creating a buildup beneath the skin. Combined with sebum, it produces ideal conditions for acne.

Making Matters Worse

Many people can't resist squeezing their pimples. This may make the condition worse, by spreading the bacteria to the surrounding skin area. It also can lead to scarring, sometimes permanently.

Even touching the face can worsen acne. Without realizing it, most of us touch our faces many times throughout the day. The problem is that our hands contain oils and bacteria that will increase the acne symptoms. In fact, all objects, including eyeglasses and telephone handsets, that make contact with the face must be clean.

Hair, particularly long hair, also touches your face, so it is important to keep your hair clean and oil free. Fabric accessories such as hats and headbands should be avoided or used as little as possible.

Other Factors

Other things that seem to aggravate acne conditions include diet, skin irritation, stress, hormonal activities such as menstrual cycles, and certain medications.

Dietary links show skim milk products to be related to acne. There is no statistical evidence, however, that foods such as chocolate and fast food have any association with pimples or aggravates acne.

Medications associated with acne include anabolic steroids (used for bodybuilding), lithium, barbiturates, halogens, and androgens.

Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. Visit Latest-Acne-Solutions for recent acne research info.

Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.

[tags]acne, acne medication[/tags]

The Many Benefits of Microdermabrasion

There are numerous microdermabrasion benefits. One of the most noteworthy advantages is that there is no downtime after treatment. Microdermabrasion evolved from a technique called dermabrasion. Dermabrasion has been around for decades and was used to treat severe scarring by polishing the uppermost surface of the skin with an abrasive, metallic attachment. This highly effective technique requires recovery time, not to mention anesthesia. Microdermabrasion is gifted with a gentler, less invasive skin-resurfacing technology.

Microdermabrasion employs specially formulated creams that are packed with the power of micro-crystals. These ultra-exfoliating creams are designed to take skin care to a new level, especially when combined with a re-surfacing wand. The re-surfacing wand gently buffs or massages your tissues and drives out dead skin cells, oil, and entrenched contaminants. A brand new skin surface is revealed, healthier and revitalized. The treatment is painless, and should feel like a deep tissue massage.

This “lunch break facial” accommodates even the most frantic schedule. Not only is the treatment quick, it’s also versatile. You can luxuriate in microdermabrasion benefits from home, at your favorite spa, or your doctor’s office. Many home systems can even be incorporated into your morning routine. Ask your local salon about package deals.

Perhaps the most relished of all microdermabrasion benefits is that there are no discomfort-causing chemicals, scalpels, or lasers involved. Microdermabrasion does not utilize any of these tools, therefore effectively erasing all risks, recovery time, and commitment for comparable results. Microdermabrasion improves the appearance of skin texture, large pores, acne and acne scarring, dry or dull patches, sun spots, age spots, rough skin, blackheads and clogged pores, stretch marks, uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, and dermal circulation.

Unlike cosmetic surgery and other invasive skin enhancing treatments, which cost thousands of dollars, microdermabrasion is just a fraction of the cost. Home kits can be bought for as low as $20. Professional spa clinicians and medical professionals offer microdermabrasions treatments for as low a $100. Frequently, many health spas, beauty salons, cosmetic surgeons, and dermatologists offer discounts when you combine other services or opt for ongoing treatments.

Microdermabrasion fuses beauty and health into a single treatment, providing a safe alternative to invasive, skin-resurfacing techniques. So with peace of mind, indulge your skin with one of the most innovative and effective skincare techniques to come along in decades. As always, consult your doctor or skin care specialist on any treatment program.

Microdermabrasion Info provides detailed information on microdermabrasion, a progressive skin re-surfacing technique that targets wrinkles, lines, superficial scarring, stretch marks, acne, and sun damage. Microdermabrasion Info is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.

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Terrible Effect of Acne Everyone's Problem at One Point of Their Lives

Teens are getting more conscious about the changes that they undergo. This is just normal for a person who enters the adolescence stage. The changes may include several factors such as the physical and emotional aspects of their transition.

The transformation that they go through is considered as the normal physical change any person goes through. It comprises the growth of hair in various parts of their body, the change in their voice, the menstrual period and a lot more. Instead of being hysterical and confused, they should always take them as natural occurrences as a part of their growth and development.

Skin disorders like Acne is also present in this transformation because of the increasing production of glands in the system. This is a chronic disorder characterized by excess production of oil from sebaceous glands that causes the hair follicles to become plugged.

Most of the lesions that must be treated in acne are the common disorders that come out the skin. Some of these are the pimples, papules, pustules and the black and white heads.

Acne may appear on any part of the body in pimple form, but most particularly on the face, neck and upper arm.

Acne causing diseases are not only present to the young individuals but also to some adults. This is commonly caused by over sensitivity to the normal level of hormone that is found inside the body.

It causes terrible effect on the person’s confidence. Teenager usually feels a different reaction which results to shyness when mingling with other people because they get more conscious about their appearance.

However, people with acne should not be much bothered because this is simply a skin problem that can easily be treated and it does not bring any terrible effect on the general health condition of your body.

Article written by Hector Milla, editor of http://www.acnesolutionsproducts.com, a website pointing proactive acne solution, you may find a full list about acne articles at http://www.acnesolutionsproducts.com/xenu.html, thanks for publish this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.

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Support Groups for Acne Sufferers

Even though acne sufferers know that their friends also suffer from acne, it still sometimes makes them feel isolated and alone. The unsightly zits that pop up when they are least wanted, like just before a hot date, can cause extreme despair and frustration. Worse still is that the lack of self esteem many adolescents suffer from is often made worse by what they see in the mirror during an acne attack.

There may be worse cases of acne, but for the sufferer, theirs is always the worst. If your teen suffers from the moodiness and despair brought on by acne, it might be a good idea to allow them to find an acne support group. These days, this would usually be an online forum where teens can post questions about treatment and the likely duration of their acne and get quick answers from one or more specialists in the field.

It could be a chat room where they could make friends with other suffers and find out for sure that they are not only not the only ones to suffer from acne, but that others also feel the same way about it as they do.

Make sure that you find the right one for your child. It doesn’t pay to be casual about chat rooms because you don’t know who is likely to be lurking there, but if you can get in first and check out that the site is of good reputation, it will ease your mind and keep your child safe.

A quick search on Google will bring up many acne sites and most of them seem to have helpful advice, even if it is aimed at eventually selling their product. But if you choose one with .org after the address, you will know that this means it is a non-profit organization, and so they will not be giving advice simply to sell a product.

www. acne-answers.org is one such site. You can join up for free to receive their weekly newsletter on controlling the dreaded zit, or can even do an e-course on acne control.

Acne Support Group typed into Google will bring up a registered charity (No. 1026654) where teens, or anyone can email their question about acne and get a sensible reply, either by a cosmetic or beauty consultant who is trained in acne problems.

When finding acne sites, just make sure they are not in another country, because some acne treatments are not available in all countries.

Come visit http://www.AcneGalore.info for all your acne needs. Regular published articles on acne information.


Some Side Effects Of Acne Medications

People with acne might will generally try anything to get rid of it. Who can blame them? With the wide variety of acne medication on the market, getting rid of acne is something that can be achieved by most people.
However, for every acne medication, there are side effects. And before you try any acne medication, it is important that you understand the risks and the possibility of side effects.

Starting with the most powerful acne medication- Isotretinoin (Accutane)

Isotretinoin (Accutane) is an acne medication that is only prescribed by a doctor for cases of severe acne. It is seen as an acne medication of the last resort. One of the reasons for this is that the side effects of this acne medication can be severe. Do not take this lightly. The side effects of Isotretinoin are so many that blood work is needed before it can be administered.

Some side effects of Isotretinoin include:

* Birth defects. This is the most serious side effect. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may not take Isotretinoin. There are no studies about whether the risk of birth defects is the same for men, but men who take Isotretinoin are advised not to get women pregnant.
* Chapped lips

* Depression, feeling 'off'

* Urinary problems

* Thinning of the hair (temporary)

* Joint and muscle pain

* Headaches

* Dry, chapped skin

* Decrease in night vision


Antibiotics are another acne medication with some potential side effects. Many studies have appeared showing the need for restraint in the use of antibiotics. This includes using antibiotics as an acne medication.
The reason for this is simple. Frequent antibiotic use can lead to resistant strains of bacteria. This goes for acne as well. Over time, acne can become resistant to antibiotics if used as a long-term treatment.
Other possible side effects include:

* Rashes

* Photosensitivity

* Gastrointestinal problems

Birth Control Pills

There are many well-known side-effects associated with birth control pills. If used as an acne medication, be aware of these side effects, which include:

* Vaginal bleeding

* Retaining water

* Melasma

* Increased risk of heart attack, strokes, blood clots and breast cancer

* Depression

The author, Bill Urell, reviews only the best diet and fitness plans, tips, and articles that promote healthier lifestyles. Visit us and claim your FREE ebook, 101 Romantic Ideas as a welcome gift ==>http://www.online-weight-loss-resources.com

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Simple and Effective Ways to Control Acne

Acne control include unclogging the pores of the skin, destroying bacteria and reducing excessive oil, or, in other words, "Prevention".

As the saying goes "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"

With this in mind, what then are the best ways to prevent and control acne?

First of all remember the basics of healthy living- nourish your body with good food, consume 6-8 glasses of water per day and try to get enough shut eye (8-9 hours is highly recommended).

A method of controlling acne that is not widely known is to take fish oil supplements on a regular basis.

Fish oils contain EPA and DHA fatty acids as well as omega-3 and omega-6 oils.

These essential elements create prostaglandins in the human body.

Prostaglandins are chemical hormones and they serve to maintain optimum functioning in all of the body's organs and cells.

They keep androgen hormones, which cause the production of excessive oil, in check.

Using mild soap-free cleansers such as Cetaphil, Dove, Purpose or Neutrogena helps keep the skin clear of dirt and surface impurities.

Exfoliating creams and masques are also good for acne control as they work to gently peel away dead skin cells. But make sure you don't choose one that is overly abrasive.

Using an astringent or toner to rid your face of excessive oil is an effective way to control acne as is using topical solutions containing benzoyl peroxide or sulfur.

Some acne sufferers find products with benzoyl peroxide to be harsh or excessively drying to their skin.

Stress is a contributing factor in acne growth so try to keep it to a minimum.

Too much stress becomes a vicious circle in that pressure triggers the production of more oil which ultimately causes more skin problems and the acne that results tends to stress out the sufferer even more.

Who else has been search for more articles and information regarding acne and skin treatments", visit Acne-Care-and-Skin-Treatments.com

[tags]control acne,dead skin cells[/tags]

Salicylic Acid! Helps Prevent Acne One Skin Layer At A Time

Salicylic acid is a term that has been around for many years in the skin care industry, and if you happen to be new to buying skincare products that contain this treatment medicine, then it's a good idea to know what it is, and how it helps in aiding in your skin's health.

Like any product on the market today, it's always best to be educated on what you're using, and obtain as much information on how to prevent any future skin reactions or problems.

Normally the products with salicylic ingredients that are sold over the counter in retail stores are safe, but it becomes un-safe when individuals use these items with a combination of other chemicals that may react together and cause skin irritation.

This is why it's so important to read the bottles instructions and make sure that if there is anything on that container that you don't understand, you should contact a medical doctor to get more facts. This would definitely apply when you notice your first symptoms of acne breakouts, or excess blackheads and whiteheads, and you want to find out what is best for your condition!

Health Benefits Of Beta Hydroxy Acids, Also Know As Salicylic Acids

If you're reading labels and you notice beta hydroxy acid and Salicylic acid in the same context, it's because they are one of the same. We won't get into the technical explanation of the ingredients; all you need to know is this medicine is derived and naturally occurs in select plant species.

The benefit of this acidic component is that it easily penetrates deep into your hairs follicle opening, and helps un-plug the build-up of your skins natural production of oil. It is medically proven to help decrease inflammation of newly formed blemishes, whiteheads, and also your stubborn blackheads!

In plain English, Beta-Hydroxy (Salicylic Acid) gets deep into the skins pores and exfoliates your dead skin cells, and this helps clear out the trapped oil to prevent bacteria from feasting on this excess skin and oil, which eventually develops into your red irritated infections.

When Using Acidic Topical Solutions, You Should Be Aware Of The Many Cautions!

As mentioned earlier, you must be knowledgeable about the chemicals that you're using! The reason this is so important is that you may not notice at first what level of Salicylic Acid concentration is safe to use on your particular condition. If you happen to obtain a higher percentage of solution than the average over-the-counter brands, then you may risk severe irritation and burning of your skin if not used properly.

Other precautions you should take when using this medicine, is try to avoid using at the same time a combination of alcohol based cleansers, and other medicinal solutions such as benzoyl peroxide, and soaps that easily dry your face and contains ingredients that exfoliates as well.

If you have been diagnosed with Rosacea, it's extremely important to consult your Dermatologist, because this product may have reverse effects on treating this select skin disease, and may cause more damage than good! However, if you're diagnosed with regular to severe acne, and not Rosacea, used properly, this beneficial medication can aid in breaking down dead skin-cells, blackheads, and whiteheads, and help you achieve a softer looking and clearer face.

Remember to educate yourself on the Acid concentrations of the products you purchase, and also find out what you can and cannot use in combination in your blemish fighting efforts, and in the long-term treatment process you will eventually get on the right path to an acne free life!

About the author: William is the owner and the author of “1st In Acne Skin Care Products” available at http://www.1st-in-acne-skin-care-products.com A great source for Acne Treatments! Find articles and information on acne treatment, and a number of select online skincare companies offering adult acne products, facial cleansers, and blackhead removal items, all in one convenient location.

[tags]salicylic acid, salicylic, acid, acetyl salicylic acid, skin, aspirin, beta hydroxy, medicine, acne[/tags]

Safe Acne Medication During Pregnancy for Healthy Skin

The best time to research safe acne medication during pregnancy is before you’re pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant. Obviously, you can’t control the unexpected and planning isn’t always exact. But it helps to be prepared so you can avoid using harmful medications.

Some medications still linger in the body even after prescriptions have ended. This is important for expecting mothers to know since the greatest risk to a baby is during the first month or two. This is the stage when his or her organs are still forming.

Many women are uncertain what acne treatments are pregnancy safe. Make sure you discuss all medications with your doctor before using anything.

Safe Medication During Pregnancy for Acne

Acne medications considered safe for expecting mothers include erythromiycin, clindamycin, azelaic acid, and oral contraceptive pills.

Erythromycin and clindamycin can be used in both topical creams and oral prescriptives. The oral forms of these are antibiotics for severe acne. Since bacteria are able to build resistance to antibiotics, however, erythromycin and clindamycin, though safe, may not be very effective.

Azelaic Acid (Azelex, Finacea, Finevin) is a topical cream for moderate acne with antibacterial properties. There is little risk to the fetus, but there haven’t been any human studies to provide any useful information.

Despite general belief that oral contraceptive pills for acne will harm the baby if continued, there is no evidence showing women to be at a higher risk for defects.

Unsafe Medication During Pregnancy for Acne

Acne medications to avoid during pregnancy include topical and oral retinoids, various antibiotics, and other prescription medicines.

Topical Retinoids like tretinoin and adapalene are derived from Vitamin A and should be avoided during pregnancy. Tretinoin is related to isotretinoin (accutane). There is risk of these ingredients being absorbed into the skin and bloodstream and causing birth defects.

Oral retinoinds like isotretinoin (accutane, roaccutane) are extremely dangerous and should be avoided like the plague during pregnancy. Isotretinoin is commonly used to treat cystic acne. It is banned during pregnancy because it causes malformations to the fetus. Besides a slew of fetal defects, this drug increases the chance of miscarriage and infant death.

If you find out you are pregnant and on this drug, stop taking the drug immediately. If you’re trying to get pregnant, you should stop the drug a month before you start, as recommended by the Organization of Teratology Information Services (OTIS).

Oral Antibiotics

As a general rule of thumb, oral antibiotics are generally not safe medication during pregnancy, with the exception of oral erythromycin.

Both tetracycline (Sumycin, Achromycin V) and Doxycycline and Minocycline are oral antibiotics for acne that are frequently prescribed for acne. However, they should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding because of the risk of interfering with bone growth in fetuses.

Other Prescription Medication

Sodium Sulfacetamide is a topical anti-infective medication used to treat acne and seborrheic skin conditions. If taken orally it can affect the fetus. Topically, it likely won’t harm the fetus, but its risk in pregnancy is unknown.

For more information check out www.your-best-acne-treatment.com, a complete information resource on acne.

Yvette Chau is a freelance writer based in Edmonton, Canada. She provides carefully researched information about acne treatments on http://www.your-best-acne-treatment.com/

[tags]safe acne medication during pregnancy, safe medicine during pregnancy[/tags]

Reveal Great New Skin With An Acne HomeMade Mask

Don't dive straight in with an acne homemade mask. You may regret it is you're not careful.

If someone ever told you that rubbing some vegetable on your face creates an acne mask that really works. Or some crazy kind of facial cleanser product will be yours just by slapping on a herb or spice – open your ears and listen hard, because you’ll probably hear your face yelling out for mercy.

A homemade acne mask may sound mighty appealing, and that mask may smell not too bad with orange peels and the like smothering all of the pores on your face, but remember that an acne home made mask is only as pure – and that means as clean, and free of bacteria – as that kitchen countertop where it’s created.

Acne Mask That’s Homemade Cheap…Or Facial Cleanser That Treats Your Face With Respect

The message is hopefully obvious that a cheap homemade product isn’t giving your face the ‘props’ it deserves. Whether you need an acne mask or a facial cleanser, your face will be much better off if you just scratch that homemade acne mask or any other homemade concoction of a facial cleanser off your grocery-shopping list.

A homemade product is just what the doctor ordered if you’re making cranberry muffins or a bowl of oatmeal, but your sensitive face is a different subject altogether, especially if you suffer from acne and need an acne mask or facial cleanser that will work – and not make your face worse off.

Look in your bathroom mirror and ask yourself if that homemade acne mask will treat your face the way you wanted it to be treated. Then click on these links for the right cures for acne, since that home made mask will now thankfully be out of sight.

Jon Butt is the publisher of http://www.how-to-cure-acne.com Chock full of genuine, serious, tested doctor-recommended advice on curing acne. No quacks, no potions, no secrets. Just sensible treatments to clear your skin and help you look as good as you feel

[tags]acne mask, homemade acne mask, facial cleanser product[/tags]

Reducing Acne Naturally

Many of us have lived through it as teenagers and young adults...ACNE...the dreaded red pimples that always seem to multiply at the absolute worst times!

Before you run out and spend alot of money on over-the-counter and prescription drugs, let's take a look at some natural methods of reducing acne...

Here are some tips:

* Reduce your stress level.

Stress can cause acne. By reducing your stress levels, you can reduce your chances of acne outbreaks. Try doing yoga or any other relaxing techniques. It may not be an acne cure, but reducing stress will improve your general health.

* Don't wash your face too much.

Some people think that washing your face often will reduce the risk of getting acne. This is not the case. Washing your face too much can actually dry out your skin, leading to acne. When you do wash your face use only oil-free products.

* Be wary of cosmetics and hair products.

Clogged pores are a cause of acne. Some people who use cosmetics to cover acne can actually be making it worse. If you do use cosmetics, then you should only use cosmetics that don't clog the pores (noncomdomedogenic products).

* Be careful of what medications you are taking.

Some medications, like types of steroids, can cause acne. Consult your doctor about any medications you are taking.

* Wear loose clothing.

Many types of acne are caused by sweat, especially body and back acne. Tight clothes keep the sweat in contact with the skin, thus causing acne.

Disclaimer: This article is the opinion of the author and is strictly for informational (entertainment) purposes only and should not be used in the place of qualified professionals. If you apply any of the information in this article, you do so at your own risk. Always consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition

Dennis Hardy is a senior writer for Health-Articles-online.com. For more articles from this author, visit http://www.Health-Articles-Online.com

[tags]acne, acne treatment[/tags]